430 examples of duplicating in sentences

Here it is!" He displayed before the astonished eyes of Nelly Lebrun a paper covered with an exact duplicate of her own swift, dainty script.

Nothing could be easier for a man like Hillan ex-criminalto have obtained a duplicate key, before handing over possession of the keys.

I had a duplicate key which Sir Horace had made.

" "And I see you also have a duplicate key of the desk.

Hand me over the duplicate key of the door by which you came in, and also the key of the desk which you had still less right to have in your possession.

Fifteen or twenty miles west of Belgrade on the Save River, an Austrian force was decisively defeated by the Servians, who then seemed to be duplicating the successes of the Russian army against Austria.

These he cannot duplicate at any furbisher's shop as you who live within doors, who, if your purse allows, may have the same home at Sitka and Samarcand.

Four strokes in duplicate on the ship's bell, then the call: "Eight bells and a-a-all's well!" Lanyard muttered: "No idea it was so late.

Then Frank ran down to the city and returned with several duplicate parts, secured at an aeroplane agency he knew of, and which would come in handy in case of an accident in that strange country, where they must depend entirely on themselves.

Pray accept a little volume, of which I have [a] duplicate, that I may return in equal number to your welcome presents.

Look at figures 1 and 2 until your eye retains the memory of them, then try to duplicate the picture every time you aim.

The list will be made in duplicate, one copy to be given to the sergeant of the guard as soon as completed, the other to be retained by the corporal.

The guard in charge of the prisoner during transfer will be furnished with a duplicate of this list, and will be held responsible for the delivery of all articles itemized therein with the prisoner.

It is issued by the Signal Corps in blocks of forty with duplicating sheets.

By way of complement to this gorgeous centrepiece, the paper on the walls showed, in infinitely recurring duplicate, a huntress in green habit and big hat carrying on a desperate flirtation with a young man in the habiliments of the fifteenth century, while across the background a huddle of dogs pursued a mammoth deer.

" "Very well," said Mortlake, inwardly relieved, as he didn't much fancy duplicating Roy's feat, "we'll head straight on for the shore.

And Mrs. May could imagine a motive, for in San Francisco she had been able to find a duplicate of that illustrated paper.

At 15.12 I was in another building, exchanging it for a buff form in duplicate.

I rather suspect that the drains are also in duplicate.

In the hopes of shutting off all pretensions to this honour by a paltry expedient Dogget thought that Cibber, Wilks and himself, as joint managers, could relieve themselves of every obligation by duplicating the generosity of the Tory statesman.

The absent Constance was down in the town, just then bestowing favors not possible for any one else to offer so acceptably to a certain duplicate and very self-centered Steve aged eighty dayssh-sh-sh!

The histologist dabbled in embryology and was soon duplicating our course in the embryology of the chick.

A stroll through your lovely streets is a feast for the eye and a whip to the imagination that no other city in the German Empire can duplicate or approach.

Marcus had had a twin brother (who died years before), a duplicate of himself in all respects but two.

This, of course, involved tremendous expenses in rebuilding every line and duplicating every wire.

430 examples of  duplicating  in sentences