45 examples of duros in sentences

The following elegant version of these lines by Mr. A. T. Barton, Fellow and Tutor of Johnson's own College, will please the classical reader: Musa levat duros, quamvis rudis ore, labores; Inter opus cantat rustica Pyrrha suum; Nec meminit, secura rotam dum versat euntem, Non aliter nostris sortibus ire vices.

et ita duros in extremitate sicut esset ferrum:

Captain Duro, of the Spanish Navy, in his 'Armada Invencible,' placed within our reach contemporary evidence from the side of the assailants, thereby assisting us to form a judgment on a momentous episode in naval history.

duele abusar tanto de su amistad le ruego que si es posible me envie tres ó cuatro duros para esperar el envio del dinero que aguardamos el cual es seguro pero

"Deh, quante volte offeso T' ha l' alma e 'l cor meschino, E tu sei in croce steso Per salvar me, tapino! "Iesù, fuss' io confitto Sopra quel duro ligno, Dove ti vedo afflitto, Iesù, Signor benigno!

In his eyes now, the only people in Alcira were such as collected thousands of duros, whenever harvest time came around.

And they would divide up the orchards, and demand that the product of the harveststhousands and thousands of duros paid for oranges by the Englishmen and the Frenchshould belong to all."

Duros, pesetas, two-pesetas, dimes!

He would smilingly declare that he wouldn't "go to the wall for under eighty thousand duros."

Besides, in milder weather the people come from Madrid, and although they grumble, the flies crowd to see the giants and the big bell, then I have to hurry with the tickets; one day, Gabriel, I took eighty duros.

More than three thousand duros, nearly as much as this sinful State allows us, and this without prejudice to anybody.

The garden that was for so many years in your family is now leased out by the Chapter, since your brother's death; twenty duros a year your Aunt Tomasa pays for her son to cultivate it, and this only because, as you know, the old woman is such a great friend of His Eminence, as they have known each other since they were children.

He gives as much as fifty duros the arroba!

Take this and it will be remedied,' and he handed her two duros.

He received seven duros a month, which were all his means of supporting himself and his old mother, a common peasant woman, who had denied herself bread in order to give an education to her son.

" "They pay him thousands of duros," added Gabriel, "for every minute of his life, but no amount of gold can procure him a drop of fresh blood to cure the hereditary poison in his veins.

And the day following all this theatrical pomp, when the lights and the censers were extinguished and the church had recovered its ordinary aspect, began this miserable life of poverty and intrigue to earn one's breadseven duros a month!

looking upon me as a flattering hanger-on of the archiepiscopal palace, not understanding how otherwise, being so young, I could have hooked out this preferment that allows me to live in Toledo on seven duros a month!" Gabriel nodded his head, sympathising with the young priest's complaints.

The priest is poor, the temple is poor also; but the prince of the Church retains his thousands of duros yearly, and his great ecclesiastical state, and he sings his psalms tranquilly, certain that his pittance is in no danger.

He can only see before him long years of waiting and of hidden poverty, borne with dignity, until some promotion provides him with a few duros more monthly.

To-day I have been to the palace to tell them they may dispose of my seven duros monthly and my chaplaincy of nuns.

no me baja los tres duros, mañana pongo a ustedes en la calle con todos sus cachivaches.... ESCENA III DOÑA MATILDE Y DON EDUARDO DOÑA MATILDE. ¿

En efecto, merecía el gran vinagre que le hubiera tirado los tres duros a la cabeza.

En primer lugar porque no tenía los tres duros.

Así, Nicolasa, baje usted y le haré dar los cuarenta duros ... adiós, Matilde, ya nos veremos ...

45 examples of  duros  in sentences