11 examples of durwan in sentences

You call your carriageor, if you haven't aspired to a carriage, the humble, useful tikka-gharryand drive away to the first house on the list, where you ask the durwan at the gate for bokkus.

If the box is not out, then the durwan, taking the cards, goes in to ask if his mistress is receiving, and comes back with her salaams, and that means that one has to go in for a few minutes, but it doesn't often happen.

Two men-servants, whom in Bengal we call durwans and who are permitted to bear arms in defence of their masters' goods, completed the party.

The palanquin was gently set down under a large and shady tree, and the durwans respectfully withdrew a little distance to permit of the jhee raising the covering, so that their kind mistress might also enjoy the grateful shade and coolness of the grove.

She had gone but a few steps when the voices of the two durwans arrested her.

The dacoits were all captured and confessed their guilt as to the murder of the palki-bearers and the probable death of the two durwans, who, they averred, had fought like tigers.

She had witnessed the fight between the durwans and dacoits and the flight and pursuit of her mistress.

Here they found all the durwans fast asleep.

The light of their lanterns showed the durwans' swords hanging on the wall.

If it happen to be only a girl, there will be a trace of pity in the silent salaam with which the grim durwan salutes you as you roll into your palkee at the gate to proceed to the godowns where they are weighing the saltpetre and the gunny bags.

the durwan, grim and incorruptible, has his orders; she cannot pass the gate.

11 examples of  durwan  in sentences