12 examples of dyet in sentences

Her dyet shall be Venson at my boord.

Is this my Dyet? Clown.

Yes, marry is it; though it be not Dyet bread 'tis bread, 'tis your dinner; and though this be not the roote of all mischiefe yet 'tis a Carret, and excellent good meate if you had powderd Beefe to it.

You are not of my dyet: Would I had a young Loyne of Porke to my Supper, and two Loynes of a pretty sweate Christian after Supper.

I am sorry I want skill to serve his dyet; I have not bin instructed to such end.

Wants she but ritch attire or costly dyet, With her the Devill can nere live in quiet.

Tut, tut, thou art a foole, keepe her close from the poticarie, let her taste of no licoras, twill make her long winded; no plums, nor no parseneps, no peares, nor no Popperins, sheele dreame in her sleep then; let her live vpon Hasels, give her nuts for her dyet, while a toothe's in her head, give her cheese for disgestion,[307] twil make her short winded; if that will not serve, set fire to the pan and blow her up with Gun-powder.

Not so my sweet Host, mum, mum, no words against your wife; he that meanes to live quiet, to sleep in cleane sheetes, a Pillowe under his head, his dyet drest cleanely, mum, mum, no words against his wife.

So that for the time being the servants have the worser lives, for they are put to very hard labor, ill lodging and their dyet very light.

Or stones of ten pound weight i'th' kidneys, Through ease and ugly dyets may be gather'd; I'le feed ye up my self Sir, I'le prepare ye, You cannot fight, unless the Devil tear ye, You shall not want provocations, I'le scratch ye, I'le have thee have the tooth-ach, and the head-ach.

And therefore not for my dyet, for I love a tender one.

" Breton, in his "Fantasticks," 1626, observes: "Milk, Butter and Cheese are the labourers dyet; and a pot of good Beer quickens his spirits.

12 examples of  dyet  in sentences