59 examples of dynamos in sentences

There are a number of modern commodities now practically standardised: the bicycle, the cheap watch, the ordinary tradesman's delivery automobile, the farmer's runabout, the country doctor's car, much electric-lighting material, dynamos, and so forth.

All the new Marconi stations, therefore, built for long-distance work, are fitted with many sending-wires, and powerful dynamos are run which are capable of producing a spark between the silvered knobs as thick as a man's wrist.

In the dissociation of water into its hydrogen and oxygen, with the mingled carbon in a powdered state, we undoubtedly possess the elements of combustion that are unexcelled on earth, a heat-producing combination that in both activity and power leaves little to be desired this side of the production of the electric force and heat directly from the carbon without the intermediary of boilers, engines, dynamos, and furnaces.

Can these link belts be used on dynamos for electric lights? Answer.

In England they are used almost exclusively on dynamos.

All that night G2 cruised on the surface, going only at half speed so as to economise petrol, and at the same time re-charge her dynamos.

The deep hum of the dynamos filled the long interior, and on every face was a look of eager expectancy.

As for Ken, his heart was throbbing like the dynamos themselves.

Up went the hatch, and the terrible clatter of the petrol engines replaced the deep purr of the dynamos.

The shafts of the dynamos have a velocity of 600 revolutions per minute.

The dynamos are mounted upon rails so as to permit the tension of the belting to be regulated when necessity requires it.

The electric tension of the dynamos measures 600 volts.

Usually, there are four cars en route, and two dynamos serve to create the current.

When the cars are coupled in pairs, three dynamos are usedone of the machines being always held in reserve.

All the dynamos are grouped for quantity.

Professor Rowland brought forward a paper on the theory of dynamos that certainly startled a good many of us; and it led to a discussion that is admirably reported in our scientific papers.

I think that the discussion evolved by Professor Rowland's paper on the theory of dynamos deserves the study of every electrician; it brought very strongly into prominence one or two English gentlemen who were present.

On this particular subject of dynamos it was truly wonderful how the doctors disagreed.

It is a very curious thing, and I thought about it at the time, that when you consider the dynamos in use, you see how very little has been done to perfect the direct working dynamo in England.

Men were lying here, there, in the roadways, in the porches, in the shadow of the power-plant where dynamos were still merrily singing.

No, these controls actuated various motors that, using current from the dynamos, produced the desired action with smooth and certain promptness.

The comparatively feeble batteries which had furnished the currents used in the earlier efforts were replaced with great power-driven dynamos, and converters were used instead of the induction coil.

These dynamos send a message straight across the ocean.]

And we see there dynamos of all kinds, motors, storage batteries, all sorts of power machines.

This has been constructed on a small scale, and operates well, and I think it is destined to be largely used, as a most sensitive, simple, and perfect regulator for currents, lights, dynamos, motors, etc., etc., whether large or small.

59 examples of  dynamos  in sentences