160 examples of dysentery in sentences

"In July and August, 1743, one-half of the army had the dysentery."

In 1748, dysentery prevailed.

Fever and dysentery attacked this second army as they had the first, and with a similar virulence and destructiveness.

"Dysentery was equally fatal."

"In October, 1,300 died of dysentery; and at the end of the month there were 4,700 in the hospitals."

were cholera, dysentery, and diarrhoea, 19 per cent.

from cholera, dysentery, and diarrhoea, and 1 per cent.

" The fever had produced chronic dysentery, which was so depressing that Livingstone entered Loanda in deep melancholy, doubting the reception he might get from the one English gentleman, Mr. Gabriel, the commissioner for the suppression of the slave-trade.

THE SCOUR OR DYSENTERY.The scour, or dysentery, or diarrhoea, is induced variously.

He knew what it meant to have dysentery and malaria.

More from fever and dysentery, from biting flies, from ticks and crawling beasts have we suffered than from the bullets of the enemy.

If the truth be told, the soldier suffered in East Africa, in many ways, greater hardships, performed greater feats of endurance, endured more from fever and dysentery and the many plagues of the country than in either of the other campaigns; the soldier marched and fought and suffered and starved for the simple reason that time was of the essence of the whole campaign.

The most efficient soldiers in East Africa are the King's African Rifles; unaffected by the fever and the dysentery of the country, and led by picked white officers, they are in their element in the thorn jungle in which the Germans have conducted their rearguard actions.

In the summer, disease is less prevalent than at any other period of the year; but towards its middle and close, and through the whole of the autumnal months, bowel complaints may be expected, in the forms of diarrhoea, cholera, and dysentery.

On the 20th, Cardinal PORTOCARRERO will die of a dysentery, with great suspicion of poison: but the report of his intentions to revolt to King CHARLES will prove false.

In the first three days you have no water, except a few salt, bitter ponds, of a green colour, like the juice of herbs; and whoever drinks even a small quantity of this water, cannot escape a dysentery, and even beasts that are compelled to drink of it, do not escape without a scouring.

Do you not know that it is the slave of fever, of gout, ophthalmia, dysentery, of a tyrant, of fire, of iron, of everything which is stronger?

Now the Coolie well understood what doing the business thoroughly for an Obeah-man involved; namely, the putting Brinvilliers or other bush-poison into his food; or at least administering to him sundry dozes of ground glass, in hopes of producing that 'dysentery of the country' which proceeds in the West Indies, I am sorry to say, now and then, from other causes than that of climate.

Donatello, according to Vasari, had a particular liking for the work, so much that he used to swear by it; while, when engaged upon it, he is said to have so believed in its reality as to exclaim, "Speak, speak! or may a dysentery seize thee!"

She gave him his tea, and while they ate and drank he talked to her about the weather and the land, and about his work and the book he had just finished on Amoebic Dysentery, and about Colin and how well he was now.

Dysentery was rife, and the deaths from it in that narrow space averaged thirty a day.

Dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, diarrhea, and intestinal worms may be caught in this manner, (d) Having certain germs injected into the body by the bites of insects, such as mosquitoes, fleas, and bedbugs.

Don't let any part of the body become chilled, as this very often is the direct cause of diarrhea, dysentery, pneumonia, rheumatism, and other diseases.

Any person having sick negroes, considered incurable by their respective physicians, and wishing to dispose of them, Dr. S. will pay cash for negroes affected with scrofula or king's evil, confirmed hypocondriasm, apoplexy, diseases of the liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach and intestines, bladder and its appendages, diarrhea, dysentery, &c.

Otherwise he was convalescent from dysentery.

160 examples of  dysentery  in sentences