Do we say e or s

e 20908 occurrences

"Yes, but tell me e

'E vill never tracasser me no more."

But the waterman said: "'Old onI bet 'e's the bloke wot old Bill Stammers took.

They had to marry, but monogamy was requested; (e) the use of opium, tobacco and alcohol was prohibited, prostitution was illegal; (f) foreigners were regarded as equals, capitulations as the Manchus had accepted were not recognized.

12, ISSUE 343, NOVEMBER 29, 1828*** E-text prepared by Jonathan Ingram, Allen Siddle, David Garcia, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team Note: Project Gutenberg also has an HTML version of this file which includes the original illustration.

He caus | -eth th' one | to rage | with gold | -en burn | -ing darte, And doth | allay | with lead | -en cold, | again | the oth | -er's harte; Whose gleames | of burn | -ing fyre | and eas | -y sparkes | of flame, In bal | -ance of | ~un=e | -qual weyght | he pon | -dereth | by ame.

"Andr=om | -~ach=e!

sea | -son'd with | a gra | -cious voice, Obscures | the show | of e | -vil?

"Like him | the soul, | thus kin | -dled from | above, Spreads wide | her arms | of u | -niver | -sal love; And, still | enlarg'd | as she | receives | the grace, Includes | cr~e=a | -tion in | her close | embrace.

Rockwell D. Hunt (A) & Louis A. Sanchez (E); 7Aug57; R196854.

P. J. Kenedy & Sons (E); 23Aug57; R197971.

Belle Leighty (E); 4Dec57; R203379.

Elizabeth Johnston (E); 13Nov57; R202900. Lion loose!

Elizabeth Johnston (E); 1Oct57; R200852.

P. J. Kenedy & Sons (E); 23Aug57; R197970. JULIUS, EMANUEL HALDEMAN-.

John Ryan (E); 14Oct57; R201216. <pb id='301.png' n='1957h2/A/1587' /> KENT, FRANK R. The great game of politics.

Mother Marietta (E); 30Oct59; R244867. AMERICAN FEDERAL TAX REPORTS.

Laurence W. Hall (E); 6Oct59; R243700. ANDERSON, ELEANOR.

G. Bowdoin Craighill & Eustace L. Adams (E); 23Jul59; R240852.

Joe D. Kinsey & William L. Canady (E); 1Oct59; R243114-243123.

© 13Oct32; A56508. Joe D. Kinsey & William L. Canady (E); 14Oct59; R244248.

Joe D. Kinsey & William L. Canady (E); 8Oct59, R243755. <pb id='224.png' />

Joe D. Kinsey & William L. Canady (E); 23Jul59; R24054.

LaVon E. Gottfried (E); 6Aug59; R240749.

Alice Tufts Brown (E); 29Sep59; R243206. BROWN, ELEANOR PARKER. Let there be beer.

s 2701 occurrences

s Bank Holiday.

He gave S a purple everlasting flower, which will endure a great many years, as a memento of our visit to Eaton Hall.

Happy are the shes that can number among their ancestors Counts of the Empire; they have neither occasion for beauty, money, or good conduct to get them husbands."

He compares the noise of a tremendous battle heard in the neighbourhood to the sound of the cataracts of the Nile: "un alto suon ch' a quel s' accorda Con che

s, particularly poets, as heralds of their fame, and consequently the special fitness of the illustrious and superexcellent poet Lodovico Ariosto for receiving from Alfonso Davallos, Marquess of Vasto, the irrevocable sum of, &c. &c. Panizzi has copied the substance of it from Baruffaldi, vol.

Every one of Shelley s words is always worth consideration; but handwritings are surely equivocal testimonies of character; they depend so much on education, on times and seasons and moods, conscious and unconscious wills, &c.

[Footnote 39: "In casa mia mi sa meglio una rapa Ch'io cuoca, e cotta s' un stecco m' inforco, E mondo, e spargo poi di aceto e sapa, Che all'altrui mensa tordo, starno, o porco Selvaggio."]

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Thanne the sone bryngethe hoom with him alle his kyn, and his frendes, and alle the othere to his hows, and makethe hem a gret feste.

lineament feature trait lines; outline, outside; contour, face, countenance, physiognomy, visage, phiz., cast of countenance, profile, tournure^, cut of one s jib, metoposcopy^; outside &c 220.

My bloud beginnes to boyle; I could be pleasd To have this fellow by the eares but that Theres many of my betters heere in place.

Theres my shield.

In my first hasty reading of the play I took the long double "s" to be a double "f": the character is "La Busse." Mr. C.H. Herford, to whom I showed the MS., writes as follows:

It is not always easy to distinguish between final "s" and "e" in the MS.


j k l m n o p q r s t u v

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The last was a S; Swubble I named him.

á su amigo que le quiere Gustavo Becquer Espresiones á Pepe Marco S/c Calle de San Ildefonso Toledo.

Final s and final n, especially in the plural of nouns and in verbs, do not count.

A and B] theres your way.

AE] Theres not. l. 21.

The country has also been called Atyria in the language of the barbarians, the double S being changed to T).

The native can't say any word beginning with s without putting a y before it, thusy-spice beef, y-street.

" - You provide a full refund of any money paid by a user who notifies you in writing (or by e-mail) within 30 days of receipt that s/he does not agree to the terms of the full Project Gutenberg-tm License.

Do we say   e   or  s