Do we say each other or one another

each other 15255 occurrences

"And so," the colonel perorated, "the little china people remained together, and were thankful for the rivet in grandfather's neck, and continued to love each other until they were broken to piecesAnd the tale is a parable, my son.

The poets of the time of Augustus vied with each other in persuading the world that the murder of Julius Caesar was the cause of all the prodigies that followed.

If you will look at the surface of the chalk, where the sands and clays lie on it, you will find that it is not smooth; that the beds do not rest conformably on each other, as if they had been laid down quietly by successive tides, while the chalk below was still soft mud.

And when the next day they heard Miss Becky confide to Lizzie that she had made "a splendid basket," and was going to hang it for Tim on that "fust pleasant day of May," they whispered to each other, "A May-basket for a prize-fighter!"

It was purely spiritual and affectionate; it was based on mutual admiration; it was strengthened by mutual respect for each other's moral qualities.

At this station five hundred trains pass each other every twenty-four hours.

Therefore, we ought to act towards each other like good allies, since to-day we have been allied in the sight of God!

The two boys gazed at each other silently.

They then rose from the banquet, after giving each other their right hands, and taking a last embrace, mingling their tears for their own and their country's fate; some of them remained, that they might be burned upon the same pile, and the rest retired to their homes.

It was so regulated by the States before the adoption of this Constitution equally in respect to each other and to foreign powers.

All that happy disposition, assiduous study under so good a master could accomplish, especially when teacher and pupil loved each other passionately, and were equally impassioned for the art, which one taught, and the other learned, it is all that which you must imagine, to get an idea of the talent of Mme.

Nothing could exceed the tenderness of the lovers for each other.

At all events, he feels that he is lying, when he represents the great universe as turned to his small set of Pan's pipes and all the more because he feels that, conceal it as he will, those same Pan's pipes are out of tune with each other.

I will leave you to guess the joy that was felt by all; and you must picture to yourself the pleasure of their meeting soon afterward: how thankful all were that they were spared to behold each other again; with uncle Harding's surprise at seeing two great girls instead of little Louisa and Emma; and aunt Harding's smiles, and her hopes that there would be found an equal improvement in matters of more importance.

There were houses, in every room of which, and on the stairs, the dead actually overlay each other, and in the streets before them were points where only on flesh, or under carriages, was it possible to walk.

The streaks sometimes darted out forwards, at others they drew themselves in again, exactly like combatants; thus those different colored lesser clouds appeared to be at war together; but it was only their manner of sporting with each other.

Marches, negotiations, battles, and victories mingled with and followed each other in a long succession, the particulars of which it would require a volume to detail, every thing resulting most successfully for the increase of Caesar's power and the extension of his fame.

Meyer (191) says of the Encounter Bay tribe: "If a man has several girls at his disposal, he speedily obtains several wives, who, however, very seldom agree well with each other, but are continually quarreling, each endeavoring to be the favorite.

" The Judge Advocate and the members of the court looked gravely at each other.

Great crimes, too, provoke more than they terrify; and there is no poisoning all that are provoked, and all that are terrified; who alternately provoke and terrify each other, till common danger produces common security.

For we perceiv'd how Love and Modestie With sev'rall Ensignes, strove within her cheekes Which should be Lord that day, and charged hard Upon each other, with their fresh supplies Of different colours, that still came, and went, And much disturb'd her, but at length dissolv'd Into affection, downe she casts her selfe Upon his senselesse body, where she saw The mercy she had brought was come too late:

So Constance had set about systematically to bring Mistress Penwick and Adrian to an understanding of each other.

There was a moment when his whole being vibrated with a perception of what a marriage bond might have been that was indeed a sacrament, and that bound together two pure and loyal souls who gave life and courage to each other in all holy purposes and heroic deeds; and he almost feared that he had cursed his vows,those awful vows, at whose remembrance his inmost soul shivered through every nerve.

When Sylvia started awake from that terrible dream it was to hear the tread of horses' feet outside the house and the sound of men's voices talking to each other.

She had not yet at all consented with herself to abandon the faith of her father, but she did not see, and indeed it were hard for any one in her condition to see, why a man and a woman, the one denying after Faber's fashion, the other believing after hers, should not live together, and love and help each other.

one another 5287 occurrences

Never had he seen so many people, nor ever had he seen such busy men as these, rushing about here and there shouting and colliding with one another, bringing and carrying huge loads in baskets on their backs, and altogether the sight of them, and the racket and the smoke and dust, and the blazing fires, was almost too much for Martin; and for a moment or two he was tempted to turn and run back into the passage through which he had come.

I was told, however, that even these girls show a kind of pride of caste amongst one another.

Still, even so, they strove to set his followers at variance with one another and with him.

She wants us to fight one another; she'd be glad if we both killed one another.

It is impossible to describe within the limits of this article the days and nights of doubt, suspense, and anxiety that followed one another in the capital during this dark month of December.

The Musgroves saw too much of one another.

Strange voices called through the fog, sirens hooted to one another persistently.

But being that we are so peevish and perverse, insolent and proud, so factious and seditious, so malicious and envious; we do invicem angariare, maul and vex one another, torture, disquiet, and precipitate ourselves into that gulf of woes and cares, aggravate our misery and melancholy, heap upon us hell and eternal damnation.

Religion teaches us that we are all part of One Self, and that we ought therefore help one another.

" "Unquestionably," said Charlotte, "that is plain; rain-drops readily unite and form streams; and when we were children, it was our delight to play with quicksilver, and wonder at the little globules splitting and parting and running into one another.

The artist had spilled all his shades of green upon the palette, and so delicately blended them that they melted into one another in a very enchantment of green.

It is the concern of this Meeting, that all our dear friends may carefully seek each to know his Lord's will, and to ascertain his individual path of duty; at the same time we desire to encourage one another to simple obedience to that which in the true light may be made manifest to them; and each to an unflinching and uncompromising avowal of his allegiance to his Lord in all things.

Under Capricorn, two negro lovers, daring the wild beasts and evil spirits for love of one another, crouched together in a cane brake where the fire-flies hovered.

For a minute perhaps they faced one another.

Passing out of sight over the sky-line, the hunters pause, wink at one another, and, choosing a shady and convenient corner, proceed to squat, light their pipes, and discuss matterschiefly financialuntil they deem it time to return, scrambling and breathless with excitement, to relate all that they have seen and done.

They will take you away, soon now, and you will go down to the town and there you will be locked up, all three of you, and you and John will not even see one another, for a long timetwo or three years, maybe, or even longer" Still Lolla could not speak.

The hives should be so ordered under the shelter of a wall that they may not be disturbed nor touch one another when arranged in ranks, for it is the practice to place hives in two and some times three separated ranks, but the opinion is that it is better to reduce the ranks to two than to increase them to four.

" They waited; and it was so quiet around them that they could almost hear one another breathe; and in the distance the bells of the flocks tinkled.

After the manner of their kind they did not talk much, but were vaguely content with one another and their surroundings.

England and America could have controlled the world in peace; but here we are, diligently engaged in killing one another.

'Yet notwithstanding all these sad representations, we resolv'd to proceed and stand by one another to the last.

Yet, when they have separated, they never fail to hold one another up to ridicule and contempt.

They mutually embraced one another; the khwaja kissed the young merchant's forehead, and made him sit down near him; and asked with much kindness, "inform me of your name and lineage?

He turned off the light, and while he lay there between the sheets waiting for sleep to overtake him, the fearful experiences of the last two days followed one another through his agitated mind just as if they were moving pictures.

Let us forgive one another.

Do we say   each other   or  one another