36 examples of eale in sentences

It seemed that in former days, in a little cottage in the village of Ealing, near to London, for some time had dwelt an old French refugee, by name Mr. Pastoureau, one of those whom the persecution of the Huguenots by the French king had brought over to England.

After this, Harry's Bon Papa, and his wife and two children of her own that she had brought with her, came to live at Ealing.

So he was very glad when a gentleman dressed in black, on horseback, with a mounted servant behind him, came to fetch him away from Ealing.

He knew it better than English, indeed, having lived hitherto among French people, and being called the Little Frenchman by other boys on Ealing Green.

He was taken to see a play, in a house a thousand times greater and finer than the booth at Ealing Fair; and on the next happy day they took water on the river, and Harry saw London Bridge, with the houses and book: sellers' shops on it, looking like a street, and the tower of London, with the Armour, and the great lions and bears in the moatall under company of Monsieur Blaise.

His artless talk and answers very likely inclined this gentleman in his favour, for next day Mr. Holt said Harry should ride behind him, and not with the French lackey; and all along the journey put a thousand questions to the childas to his foster-brother and relations at Ealing; what his old grandfather had taught him; what languages he knew; whether he could read and write, and sing, and so forth.

She had a tower of lace on her head, under which was a bush of black curlsborrowed curlsso that no wonder little Harry Esmond was scared when he was first presented to her, the kind priest acting as master of the ceremonies at that solemn introduction, and he stared at her with eyes almost as great as her own, as he had stared at the player woman who acted the wicked tragedy-queen, when the players came down to Ealing Fair.

Since the Empress of Ealing, he had seen nothing so awful.

Rabbits of Ealing told us so.

Take Carps scald them, take out the great bones, pound the Carps in a stone Morter pound some of the blood with the flesh which must be at the discretion of the Cook because it must not be too soft, then lard it with the belly of a very fat Eale, season it, and bake it like red Deere and eat it cold.

Sir Jasper Threlfall had chosen for their patient a private establishment in Ealing, owned and managed by a friend of his, a place for the treatment of morphia mania, opium-eating, and alcoholism.

[Footnote 20: Compare Quarto reading, page 112: The spirit that I haue scene May be a deale, and the deale hath power &c. If deale here stand for devil, then eale may in the same edition be taken to stand for evil.

It is hardly necessary to suspect a Scotch printer; evil is often used as a monosyllable, and eale may have been a pronunciation of it half-way towards ill, which is its contraction.]

He was educated first at the school in Ealing, then at Oxford, taking his degree in the latter place in 1820.

She was living at Ealing, in Middlesex, in 1834; and there she opened one of the first industrial schools in England, if not the very first.

During the eighteen years that the Ealing schools were in action, they did a world of good in the way of incitement and example.

As for the best and the worst of the Ealing boys,the best have, in a few cases, been received into the Battersea Training School, whence they could enter on their career as teachers to the greatest advantage; and the worst found their school a true reformatory, before reformatory schools were heard of.

At Ealing it appears that a rabid dog dashed into a pork butcher's shop and snapped at a sausage.

The outlying portions of Kensington, such as Ealing, Hanwell and Uxbridge, are no good.

If you happen to be standing upon the platform of Ealing Common station at about nine o'clock on a week-day morning you will see a poor shrunken figure with a hunted expression upon his face come creeping down the stairs.

Before he lived in Ealing he had a little cottage at Ramstairs, on the Kentish coast.

He had to leave Ramstairs and he retired to Ealing.

*** A very mean theft is reported from West Ealing.

She hears not Park appealing Nor Gerrard's wail of woe, Her heart is on to Ealing 89200; For there her true love (smartest Of lcl plmbrs) speaks; For him our switch-board artist Puts powder on her cheeks.

We flashed past Ealing like a rocket, and I desperately drew in coils and coils of the communicator until I and Westaby Jones resembled the Laocoon.

36 examples of  eale  in sentences