Do we say earnest or ernest

earnest 5193 occurrences

As he requested in an earnest manner that she would proceed without him, and by no means disappoint her friend, Mrs. Wilson complied; yet, somewhat at a loss to account for his sudden illness, she turned her head to see how the sick man fared, a short time after he had left her, and was not a little surprised to see him talking very composedly with John who had met him on his way to the fields with his gun.

On his return home Joseph Wood wrote him the following letter: Newhouse, 10 mo. 24, 1803 BELOVED FRIEND, JOHN YEARDLEY, Thou hast often been in my remembrance since I last saw thee, accompanied with an earnest desire that the seed sown may prosper and bring forth fruit in its season, to the praise and glory of the Great Husbandman, who, I believe, is calling thee to glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life.

How gladly would I be thy Lady still, If earnest vowes might answere to my will.

I now began to fancy myself a man, and to make love in earnest.

She only wished, my dear, you could hear Mr. Withers express himself on those subjects,his ideas were so delightfully "your deal, my love"clear, his illustrations so sweetly pretty, and his manner so earnest; really, he stirred her like"hearts, did you say?a trump.

You need no more earnest assurance of my love than the pains I would take, in this matter, to make you respect me more.

At his earnest persuasion, Katrine consented that the mill should be sold, and soon after, with his wife and child, he went to Bremen and embarked for America.

He is unassuming in manner, blithe in company, earnest in the pulpit.

Presently, having made an end of eating, she leaned back in her seat and commenced once more to bait me in her playful manner, the which appeared to afford her much pleasure, and in which I joined with no less, and so we fell presently to more earnest talk, and in this wise we passed a great space of the evening.

They appreciated his wisdom and moderation, and gave him full credit for his earnest conviction that he was right in his differences with the Norwegian government.

It was now decided to have him educated for the military service; but he showed a great dislike for military life, and, at his earnest request, he was sent to the Bergen Latin School.

My most earnest wish is to resemble him in character as much as I am said to resemble him in person.

Give me thy hand then; we'll do't, and there's earnest.

" The great writer was, as in more than one other instance of his career, too earnest in his conviction that principles were at stake in the course which he recommended, to consider whether that course were safe for those on whom he urged it, or even practicable.

And in a letter to Mercy of the 12th of September, after expressing an earnest hope that the emperor will not allow himself to be guided by "the cunning of Calonne, and the detestable policy of Prussia," she adds, "It is said here that in the agreement signed at Pilnitz, the two powers engage never to permit the new French Constitution to be established.

He said that they were particular as to the conduct of their converts; but I cannot affirm that he satisfied me that they accepted in any very earnest way the peculiar doctrines of Christianity.

These stupid people, though they cannot resist, and hardly even make a serious attempt to do so, never yield anything except under the influence of fear; and it is necessary therefore to make them feel that one is in earnest, and that they have nothing for it but to give way.

his insisting, against the earnest remonstrances of the Imperial Commissioners, backed by the intercession of the Russian and American envoys, on the right of sending an ambassador to Pekin.

The sixteenth century was marked not only by intensely earnest religious inquiries, but by great civil and social disorders,showing a transition period of society from the slaveries and discomforts of the feudal ages to the liberty and comforts of highly civilized life.

They were still evangelical in their creed, but not earnest in defending it; so persecution wiped them outwas terribly successful.

At that time Germany was in advance of the rest of Europe in wealth and intelligence; the Protestants especially were kindled to an enthusiasm, pertaining to theological questions, which we in these times can but feebly realize; and the Germans were doubtless the most earnest and religious people in Europe.

Austria became more than ever a hated and dreaded power, not merely to the States of Sweden, Denmark, Holland, and England, but to Catholic France herself, then ruled by that able and ambitious statesman Cardinal Richelieu, before whose tomb in an after age the czar Peter bowed in earnest homage from the recollection and admiration of his transcendent labors in behalf of absolutism.

This earnest, loyal, but angry Parliament, being troublesome, was dissolved, and Charles undertook for eleven years to reign without one,against all precedents,with Stafford and Laud for his chief advisers and ministers.

He was one of those earnest and practical people who could not be fooled with.

The worldly, the audacious, escape easily; but these pliant excitable temperaments, so anxiously in earnest, may be made useful.

ernest 4289 occurrences


Ernest Paynter (A); 24Feb54; R126385.

SEE Rhys, Ernest, ed. SCOTT, ETHEL F. Composition for college students.

COBB, BERTHA B. Pennie, by Bertha B. Cobb & Ernest Cobb, with paintings by L. J. Bridgman and a frontispiece by Mary Louise Parker.

Ernest Cobb (Co-author); 15Dec54; R140786.

Europe and the British Isles, by James Fairgrieve and Ernest Young.

(Mrs. Ernest R. Groves) Gladys Hoagland Groves (W); 28May54; R138238.


SEE Haycox, Ernest.

SEE Haycox, Ernest.

SEE Haycox, Ernest.

SEE Haycox, Ernest.

SEE Haycox, Ernest.

SEE Haycox, Ernest.

SEE Haycox, Ernest.


SEE Matos Fragoso, Juan de. HEMINGWAY, ERNEST.

Ernest Hemingway (A); 14Oct54; R137295. Fifty grand.

Ernest Hemingway (A); 14Oct54; R137294. Italy, 1927.

Ernest Hemingway (A); 14Oct54; R137293.


As suggested by Ernest Dean Dorchester.

ERNEST, EDWARD. Hector, the old clothes collector.

Edward Ernest (A); 13Jan69; R454983.

Edited by F. Ernest Johnson.

Do we say   earnest   or  ernest