9693 examples of earning in sentences

Of course, a leading barrister earning a huge income could afford to live in a palatial residence in Princes Gate, but it was not the locality or residence that an economically-minded man would have chosen for his home.

A careful canvass has shown that in the different parts of the United Kingdom from 80 to 90 per cent, of those whom it would enfranchise are wage- or salary-earning women, and not one Labor member of Parliament voted against it.

They amounted to six pounds and a few shillings; but small though the sum was, she thought that it would maintain her until she could find some way of earning a livelihood, though at the moment she had not the least idea what she could find to do.

There they built themselves a small cluster of huts, and a church wherein to worship; and there for a while they dwelt, earning a precarious livelihood from the ungenerous soil upon which they had established themselves.

He saw no way of earning them.

are but doing it all for hire, and earning their bread by their bent necks.

Alice had been amazed at his power of earning; and also, she had seemed little by little to lose her suspicions as to his perfect sanity and truthfulness.

She was a gentlewoman; and though she accepted with simple dignity the necessity of earning her bread, it was bitterly disagreeable to her to sit as a hired sewer in other people's houses.

That is the basis of my successothers earning money for me.

[Footnote 1: [an earning]]

He was in love with a girl at his university, equally poor and equally plucky; but because she was earning dollars as a waitress at the tavern, the boy thought Tahoe a place "where you couldn't help being happy.

It was certainly pretty hard work, but then he must be prepared for that, and after all he was earning money for his mother.

"As often as I can, sir," said Charley, opening her eyes and smiling, "because of earning sixpences and shillings!"

They've no idea what my earning power would be if I were to turn to and make that a prime consideration.

A large number of them are what the British law terms apprentices, and are still bound in unremunerated servitude, though some of them for thrice seven years have been adepts in their trades, and not a few are earning their masters twenty or thirty dollars each month, clear of all expenses.

There will be by that time a general habit of saving throughout the community, a habit more firmly established perhaps in the propertied than in the wages-earning class.

Let us first do things in the sound way, and then, if we can, let us pet and compensate any disappointed person who used to profit by their being done roundabout instead of earning an honest living.

A man of geniusmany believed him a geniusand yet he was incapable of earning his daily bread otherwise than by doing the work of a navvy.

Was he incapable of earning a living?

Many a night I have lain awake for hours, trying to hit on some way of earning my living independently.

This willow harvest is looked forward to by the cottagers who live along the rivers as an opportunity for earning extra money.

In towns the workman who has been earning six or even ten shillings a day, and paying a high rent (carefully collected every week), no sooner gets his discharge than he receives notice to quit his lodgings, because the owner knows he will not be paid.

I was earning in the year of the famine.

Every year, in addition to earning money to keep his wife and children alive, the poor man had to be ready for a visitor, and this visitor never received a very hearty welcome.

We have been building this wall and earning nothing, but we have had to eat all these weeks; we have been obliged to take up corn for our families lest they should die, and the consequence is we have run very heavily into debt' (ver. 2).

9693 examples of  earning  in sentences