241 examples of easel in sentences

Hereand it is the same at Runswickone is obliged to walk warily during the painter's season, for fear of either obstructing the view of the man behind the easel you have just passed, or out of regard for the feelings of some girls just in front.

A just-finished picture stood on an easel near the window; it represented one of the most wonderful scenes in London: Putney High Street at night; two omnibus horses stepped strongly and willingly out of a dark side street, and under the cold glare of the main road they somehow took on the quality of equestrian sculpture.

Bring the easel to me, if you want a painting.

Julien would as soon have renounced easel and canvas as have taken advantage of her coming to make love to her.

"'As I entered, a half-length portrait of George III stood before me upon an easel, and Mr. West was sitting with back toward me copying from it upon canvas.

Few artists have had his means of observation of the aboriginal man, in the great panorama of the west, where he has carried his easel.

Punctual to the moment she came, seated herself at her easel, and rarely left it while the light lasted.

But in a moment he took it indoors and added it to the pile in the living-room, fetching a fresh canvas and carrying his easel and paint-box over the hill to another spot, a shady one among the rocks where he had already painted many times.

Sleep returned, and health, with cessation of all the morbid symptoms, the result of overwork and night work, for he used at Cheyne Walk to begin painting in the afternoon, and, lighting a huge gasalier on a standard near his easel, keep at his drawing far into the night, sleeping late the next day.

"The cover of Punch, you know." Vague pictures of Mr. Punch surrounded by little dancing figures, an easel, Toby, a lionsurely there was a lion somewhereflitted across my mind.

The next day, equipped with easel, canvas and paint-box, he went again to the gladedetermined to make a picture of the charming scene.

To get the effect that satisfied him best, the painter had placed his easel a little back from the grassy, open spot.

Conrad Lagrange smiled as he saw that the easel was without a canvas.

Then he turned the "Quaker Maid" again to the wall and fixed a fresh canvas in place on the easel.

Dragging his easel with the blank canvas upon it across the studio, he cried out, again, "Don't move, please don't move!" and began working.

So that day came when the artist, drawing slowly back from his easel, stood so long gazing at his picture without touching it that the girl called to him, "What's the matter?

Turning from the painter to the easel, as if to find in his portrait of her the fuller expression of that which she believed he dared not yet put into words, she was about to draw aside the curtain; when Aaron King checked her quickly, with a smile that robbed his words of any rudeness.

" As she turned from the easel to face him, he took her portrait from where it rested, face to the wall; and placed it upon another easel, saying, "Here is your picture.

For some time the painter stood before the picture on his easel, without touching palette or brush, studying the face of the woman who posed for him.

"Would you care to paint me as the Goddess of Love?" He, still, did not look at her; but answered, while, with deliberate care, he selected a few brushes from the Chinese jar near the easel, "Venus is always a very popular subject, you know.

And once, in the morning, after one of those afternoons when he had gone away with Mrs. Taine at the conclusion of the sitting, he found a note pinned to the velvet curtain that hid the canvas on his working easel.

In the studio, she stood before the easel, scarce daring to draw the curtain.

" She turned to look at the picture on the easel with the air of a critic.

Going to the easel that held the other picture, she laid her hand upon the curtain.

Up to that time portrait painting had seemed as inaccessible as the moona sublimity I no more thought of reaching than a star; but when I saw a portrait on the easel, a palette of paints and some brushes, I was at home in a new world, at the head of a long vista of faces which I must paint; but the new aspiration was another secret to keep.

241 examples of  easel  in sentences