48 examples of easy circumstances in sentences

She was exceedingly pretty, daughter of a retired hotel-keeper in easy circumstances.

Besides, there are always some people who, from causes within themselves, are continually at their wits' end to keep the wolf from the door, even when employment is plentiful with them; and there are some natures too weak to bear any long strain of unusual poverty without falling back upon means of living which, in easy circumstances, they would have avoided, if not despised.

Her family was evidently in moderately easy circumstances, and the Hasseltine household was a happy and closely-united one.

But, in truth, the modern facilities of communication have not only removed all the disadvantages, to a political writer in tolerably easy circumstances, of distance from the scene of political action, but have converted them into advantages.

All sensitive people should remember that persons in easy circumstances suffer much more from cold in summerthat is, the warm half of the yearthan in winter, or the other half.

Even the man who keeps a carriage will let it out for hire; and the manner in which money is accepted, and even asked for by persons in easy circumstances, and for things that would be gratuitous in the Middle States, often causes disappointment, and sometimes disgust.

He was never in even moderately easy circumstances until after his "Oliver Cromwell" was published.

He was not prodigal, not extravagant; but, having a keen sense of the beautiful, he gradually became more fastidious in dress, and in all those nameless elegancies which seem of right to belong to the accomplished man, as to the gentleman in easy circumstances.

But, indeed, in this country all things do mature quickly; and 'twas less surprising in her case because her growth had been checked before by privation and hardship, whereas since our coming hither it had been aided by easy circumstances and good living.

Cocoa is something more attended to, in consequence of the use of chocolate being greatly extended among the natives of easy circumstances.

Save for the tenderness of a daughter, who is herself hardly in easy circumstances, having a family, I should lack the necessaries of life.

There are also many persons in easy circumstances who support those children who seek for instruction without the help of their parents.

Ladies in easy circumstances have their carpets brought by their maids.

A succession of New England villages, composed of neat houses, surrounding neat schoolhouses and churches, adorned with gardens, meadows, and orchards, and exhibiting the universal easy circumstances of the inhabitants, is, at least in my own opinion, one of the most delightful prospects which this world can afford.

My parents were respectable people, in easy circumstances.

He pulled his sleeve down with a quick, vigorous gesture, deftly shot the cuff out beyond the black broadcloth, and, the picture of handsome, well-groomed youth in easy circumstances, turned again to his father's wife.

In the case of a minister, there is the additional expense of supplying his pulpit while absent on the business of his agency, However, in many instances, these agents, being in easy circumstances, make no charge, even for their expenses.

The house of his friends, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, the only place which, during the latter part of his ministry, Jesus could call a home, was probably that of people in easy circumstances, and as such is here represented.

Very easy circumstances for sledging.

They lived for a time in easy circumstances after she gave up business and then the husband died, bequeathing all his wife's earnings to his own illegitimate children.

Besides, such men as Darwin or Buckle were rich; Sir John Lubbock is a banker; most of the known men in France are in easy circumstances.

She has been very ill, but it is hoped that she is going on better; the infant is not much to look at, having suffered from a fall which his mother had." M. Arouet, the father, of a good middle-class family, had been a notary at the Chatelet, and in 1701 became paymaster of fees (payeur d'epices) to the court of exchequer, an honorable and a lucrative post, which added to the easy circumstances of the family.

This spring proved fatal to him; he died on the 19th of April at his house at Islington, where he had lived several years in easy circumstances, by the produce of his pen, without leaving one enemy behind him.

He died at Putney, in easy circumstances, due to the presents made him while visiting German courts.

If you are not actually rich you are at least in easy circumstances, and can afford to give him a pension of three hundred francs a month.

48 examples of  easy circumstances  in sentences