90 examples of eate in sentences

Anyhow, the henbane has long been in repute as a plant possessed of mysterious attributes, and Douce quotes the subjoined passage:"Henbane, called insana, mad, for the use thereof is perillous, for if it be eate or dronke, it breedeth madness, or slowe lykeness of sleepe."

Womans flesh was never cheaper; a man may eate it without bread; all Trades fall, so doe they.

let a Jew eate Pork, when I but touch a Christian.

does hunger Tremble to gnaw her flesh off, dry up her blood And make her eate her selfe in Curses, ha? Clown.

your mouth gapes as if you would eate me.

Of which bread I my selfe did eate, and it is fayrer without and somewhat browne within.

And when I did eate of those fishes, me thought they were exceeding good.

of those creatures, putting themselues in good order, before whom he set a platter, and gaue them the said fragments to eate.

This afternoone we had no winde, but the sea very stormy, insomuch that neither cheste, pot, nor any thing else could stand in the shippe, and wee were driuen to keepe our meate in one hand, and the pot in the other, and so sit downe vpon the hatches to eate, for stand we could not, for that the Seas in the very port at an anker went so high as if wee had bene in the bay of Portugall with stormy weather.

These Friers are such as haue bene Priests, and their wiues dying they must become Friers of this place, and neuer after eate flesh, for if they do, they are depriued from saying masse:

The soile is very fertile and abundant, the flesh fat which they sell without bones, their candles they make of the marowe of cattell, because the Moores eate the tallow.

Some there are which affirme, that being arriued at Cairo, they kill that goodly camell which caried the Alcaron, and eate him; which is nothing so: for they are so superstitious to the contrary, that to gaine all the world they would not kill him.

In eight daies, that which I did eate was very small, so that if we had stayed two dayes longer vpon the water, I thinke I had died: but comming to Balsara, presently I mended, I thanke God.

They eate no flesh, but liue by rootes, and ryce, and milke.

They both do ride vpon one horse very trimly decked, and are caried through the towne with great piping and playing, and so returne home and eate of a banket made of Rice and fruits, and there they daunce the most part of the night and so make an ende of the marriage.

These Gentiles will eate no flesh nor kill any thing.

They pray in the water naked, and dresse their meat and eate it naked, and for their penance they lie flat vpon the earth, and rise vp and turne themselues about 30. or 40. times, and vse to heaue vp their hands to the sunne, and to kisse the earth, with their armes and legs stretched along out, and their right leg alwayes before the left.

Here some bee burned to ashes, some scorched in the fire and throwen into the water, and dogges and foxes doe presently eate them.

Here they will eate no flesh, nor kill no beast: they liue of Rice, milke, and fruits.

These people do eate roots, herbs, leaues, dogs, cats, rats, serpents, and snakes; they refuse almost nothing.

The elephants doe eate the sugar canes, or els they would make very much.

And they go with a great pot made of wood or fine earth, and couered, tied with a broad girdle vpon their shoulder, which cometh vnder their arme, wherewith they go to begge their victuals which they eate, which is rice, fish, and herbs.

They demand nothing but come to the doore, and the people presently doe giue them, some one thing, and some another: and they put all together in their potte: for they say they must eate of their almes, and therewith content themselues.

They keepe their feasts by the Moone: and when it is new Moone they keepe their greatest feast: and then the people send rice and other things to that kiack or church of which they be; and there all the Tallipoies doe meete which be of that Church, and eate the victuals which are sent them.

and it set a running and drew the raile after it till it came to a fence and gaue a great cry in a lowing way and stood still; and in ye winter the calfe dyed, doe what he could, yet eate its meale well enough.

90 examples of  eate  in sentences