13 examples of ebbe in sentences

Thou was't thine owne Muse, and hadst such vast odds Thou out-writ'st him whose verse made all those Godds: Surpassing those our Dwarfish Age up reares, As much as Greeks or Latines thee in yeares: Thy Ocean Fancy knew nor Bankes nor Damms, We ebbe downe dry to pebble-Anagrams; Dead and insipid, all despairing sit Lost to behold this great Relapse of Wit: What strength remaines, is like that (wilde and fierce)

e su v' ebbe a montare, Ed orgoglioso, con vista sicura, Isgrida al Conte, ed ebbel a sfidare, Dicendo: Cavalier, la dama gaglia Lasciar convienti, o far meco battaglia.

Dunque, rotto ogni freno di vergogna, La lingua ebbe non men che gli occhi arditi; E di quel colpo domandò mercede, Che, forse non sapendo, esso le diede.

Per adombrar, per onestar la cosa, Si celebrò con cerimonie sante Il matrimonio, ch'auspice ebbe Amore, E pronuba la moglie del pastore.

That high state Is now at a low ebbe: destruction Hangs like a threatning Commet ore the walls Of Babilon.

From this lake the water runneth euen vnto the sea, and at a low ebbe the inhabitants dig rubies, diamonds, pearls, and other pretious stones out of the shore: wherupon it is thought, that the king of this island hath greater abundance of pretious stones, then any other monarch in the whole earth besides.

Rinaldo ritrovò quel Bujaforte, Al mio parer, che sarebbe scoppiato, Se non avesse trovato la morte: E come egli ebbe a parlar cominciato Del re Marsilio, e di stare in suo corte.

E trasse un mandiretto e due e tre Con tanta furia, e quattro e cinque e sei, Che non ebbe agio a domandar merzè, E morto cadde sanza dire omei.

The striking cliff called Ebbe's Nook is supposed to have been named after the Saxon princess Ebba, sister to King Oswald, and the ruins which were discovered on the headland, to be all that is left of a chapel erected to her memory.

He spent a few months in Germany in the end of 1846, and in the beginning of 1847 the Bishop of Oxford was willing to appoint him to St. Ebbe's.

Here the two riuers ioyned together begin to be eight or nine miles broad: here also it beginneth to ebbe and flow, and the water ouerflowing maketh the countrey all about very fertile of corne, rice, pulse, and dates.

Ouesto è più dolce e più soave amore; Non sia chi mai di donna mi favelli, Poi che morta è colei ch' ebbe il mio core.

Who, after their money waxed scant, and turned to a very lowe ebbe, they three drinking a poysoned potion one to another (which was the last cuppe that they kissed with their lippes) passed out of this life (as it were from a banquet) to the powers infernall.

13 examples of  ebbe  in sentences