8979 examples of edging in sentences

" The little man was edging his way between the chairs, accompanied by the sergeant of police.

Place it in a deep dish, with an edging of dry boiled rice, in the same manner as for other curries.

Among other duties, the lady's-maid should understand the various processes for washing, and cleaning, and repairing laces; edging of collars; removing stains and grease-spots from dresses, and similar processes, for which the following recipes will be found very useful.

She began slowly, silently, edging toward the side of the cave, toward the way out.

You might, though, know him then by the red legs and bill, and the white front-edging to his lovely pearly-grey wings.

To duck my head down and resume my edging toward the door was with me the work of a moment.

It is dawning upon the minds of the true lovers of humanity, that there is nothing else to be done, but to revert to the past to find the key to any possible reform, and to that past we are edging rapidly, though, it must be said unwillingly, in the hope and expectation that the old foundations are possessed of sufficient solidity to support a new or re-modeled structure.

frame, fringe, flounce, frill, list, trimming, edging, skirting, hem, selvedge, welt, furbelow, valance, gimp.

The classic front appeared behind an imposing gateway approached by a curious flat bridge across a circular pond which had a solid stone edging.

The moss-rose, too, is conspicuous, with its heavy odour; while the edging, a foot wide, is formed by thousands of bulbs of the Narcissus poeticus, massed together like packed figs; these, too, give out a pleasant perfume.

Thor continued his food-seeking, edging still closer to the gully.

Details of polishing and edging were gone into, and a series of the various grades of emery used in the processes was shown.

"Perhaps it is," he replied, "but what do you want in Vise?" As he spoke, he kept edging up, pointing his bayonet directly at me.

"That was me," put in Dudley, edging up to the irate invalid; "you see the door was locked and we had to come in at the window, and I'm rather fat about the shoulders, and Roy jerked me through too quick

" His eyes followed mine to the green patch edging the entrance to the bay and then ran along the tree-lined avenue to the parked section extending almost from the center of the city to the Pacific Ocean.

he asked, as stepping from the car at Lotta's fountain, we lingered before the gay flower stands edging the sidewalk.

Black clouds with copper edging hung in the zenith; seabirds made their way, screaming, to shelter in the island.

As they ran, the herd kept constantly edging a little toward the riders, as if trying to cross in front of them.

He was overpowered by the idea that he was in the presence of the President, and, his errand done, was edging shyly out, when Mr. Lincoln stopped him, insisting that he measure with him.

"We had better fight them broadside to broadside," Harry said; "but keep on edging down toward the ship to leeward.

Edging off to keep aloof from the mysterious smoke, which troubled his followers almost as much as the mysterious echoes, the party, most fortunately for themselves, got a distant view of the mountains for which they were running, and altered their course in sufficient time to reach their place of destination, Ly the return of light the succeeding morning.

They'll grow, like plants extending, like grass multiplying, going out, edging westward, all the time.

They can not stop the rush of those westbound feet, the spread of the millions, millions of blades of grass edging out, on.

The waste-paper baskets brimmed with red flannelette and gilt edging.

Directions for crocheted edging on hot plate mat covers no. 23-10-24, 25, & 26.

8979 examples of  edging  in sentences