11422 examples of education in sentences

I tell you what, if I had a son, I would hesitate a long while before giving him a literary education.

All the biographers of Alfred speak of his zealous efforts in behalf of education.

To Asser he gave the general superintendence of education, not merely for laymen, but for priests.

He gave all his children a good education.

The people generally were rude and uneducated; the language was undeveloped; education was chiefly confined to nobles and priests; the poor were oppressed by feudal laws.

But Hamilton, if not an American by birth, was American in his education and sympathies and surroundings, and ultimately married into a distinguished American family of Dutch descent.

The father of John Adams, who died in 1761, had an estate amounting to nearly £1,500, and could afford to give a college education at Harvard to his eldest son, John, who was graduated in 1755, at the age of twenty, with the reputation of being a good scholar, but by no means distinguished in his class of twenty-four members.

The latter would therefore restrict the suffrage to men of property and education, while Jefferson would give it to every citizen, whether poor or rich, learned or ignorant.

His correspondence in the dignified retirement of his later years is most instructive, showing great interest in education and philanthropy.

In this attractive town Jefferson spent seven years,two in the college, studying the classics, history, and mathematics (for which he had an aptitude), and five in the law-office of George Wythe,thus obtaining as good an education as was possible in those times.

But in spite of the defects of his early education, Henry's attainments were considerable, and the profoundest lawyers, like Wirt, Nicholas, and Jay, acknowledged his great forensic ability.

He also assaulted State support of the Episcopal Churchwhich was in Virginia "the Established Church"as an engine of spiritual tyranny, and took great interest in all matters of education, formulating a system of common schools, which, however, was never put into practice.

The great hobby of his life was education.

He thus spent the best part of his latter years in founding and directing the University of Virginia, including a plan for popular education as well.

To all schemes of education he lent a willing ear; but it was the last thing which aristocratic Southern planters desired,the elevation of the poor whites, or political equality.

Hamilton did not so much care for the education of the people as he did for the ascendency of those who were already educated, especially if wealthy.

Productive co-operation is successful at present only in rare cases among skilled workmen of exceptional morale and education.

Low-skilled work implies a low degree of intelligence and education.

The very lack of leisure, and the incessant strain upon the physique which belong to "sweating," contribute to retard education, and to render mutual acquaintanceship and the formation of a distinct trade interest extremely difficult.

" 'Tis a sluggish humour not to emulate or to sue at all, to withdraw himself, neglect, refrain from such places, honours, offices, through sloth, niggardliness, fear, bashfulness, or otherwise, to which by his birth, place, fortunes, education, he is called, apt, fit, and well able to undergo; but when it is immoderate, it is a plague and a miserable pain.

Education, of these accidental causes of melancholy, may justly challenge the next place, for if a man escape a bad nurse, he may be undone by evil bringing up.

Jason Pratensis puts this of education for a principal cause; bad parents, stepmothers, tutors, masters, teachers, too rigorous, too severe, too remiss or indulgent on the other side, are often fountains and furtherers of this disease.

"Education is another nature, altering the mind and will, and I would to God" (saith he) "we ourselves did not spoil our children's manners, by our overmuch cockering and nice education, and weaken the strength of their bodies and minds, that causeth custom, custom nature," &c.

"Education is another nature, altering the mind and will, and I would to God" (saith he) "we ourselves did not spoil our children's manners, by our overmuch cockering and nice education, and weaken the strength of their bodies and minds, that causeth custom, custom nature," &c.

Because the bill vests in the said incorporated church an authority to provide for the support of the poor and the education of poor children of the same, an authority which, being altogether superfluous if the provision is to be the result of pious charity, would be a precedent for giving to religious societies as such a legal agency in carrying into effect a public and civil duty.

11422 examples of  education  in sentences