16 examples of eeling in sentences

There were, perhaps, a dozen of "eeling" expeditions, that had kept him out late enough for a full basket and a proper scolding.

You may do Carps, Eeles, Trouts, &c. this way, and they Tast also to your mind.

To boyle a Pike and Eele together.

Take a quart of White-Wine and a pint and a halfe of White-Wine-Vinegar, two quarts of Water, and almost a pint of Salt, a handfull of Rose-mary and Tyme; the Liquor must boyle before you put in your Fish and Herbs; the Eele with the skins must be put in a quarter of an hour before the Pike, with a little large Mace, and twenty cornes of Pepper.

To sauce Eeles.

To dresse Eeles.

Cut two or three Eeles into pieces of a convenient length, set them end-wayes in a pot of Earth, put in a spoolful or two of Water, and to them put some Herbs and Sage chopt small, some Garlick Pepper, and Salt, so let them be baked in an Oven.

To boyle a Pike and an Eele together.

To stew Mushrumps The Lord Conway his receipt for the makeing of Amber-puddings To make a Partridge tart To keep venison all the yeare To make Brawn To roast a Pike To sauce Eeles To make sausages without skins To dresse a Pike.

To dresse Eeles To boyle a pudding after the French fashion, To make a fricate To make a dish called Olives To make an Olive Pye The Countesse of Rutlands Receipt of makeing a rare Banbury Cake An excellent Syllabub To sauce a Pig To make a Virginia trout To make a fat Lamb of a Pig.

Up betimes, and with my salt eele went down into the parler and there got my boy and did beat him till I was fain to take breath two or three times, yet for all I am afeard it will make the boy never the better, he is grown so hardened in his tricks, which I am sorry for, he being capable of making a brave man, and is a boy that I and my wife love very well.

Well I will never trust the wooeinge of a great man whylst I live agayne: & they be as false to weomen as to men they have sweete eeles to hould by.

Yes of eele skinnes.

But: "The sermon now ended, Each turned and descended; The pikes went on stealing, The eels went on eeling; Much edified were they, But preferred the old way.

This Gentleman informs you truly: Prethee be satisfied, and seek the Suburbs, Good Captain, or what ever title else, The Warlike Eele-boats have bestowed upon thee, Go and reform thy self, prethee be sweeter, And know my Lady speaks with no Swabbers.

All ye that haue stolne the myllers Eeles Laudate Dominum in coelis: And all they that haue consented therunto Benedicamus Domino.

16 examples of  eeling  in sentences