Do we say effable or affable

effable 5 occurrences

Let our discourse also be common to other principles, and to things proceeding from them to that which is last, and let us, beginning from that which is perfectly effable and known to sense, ascend too the ineffable, and establish in silence, as in a port, the parturitions of truth concerning it.

Let us then consider body, (that is, a triply extended substance,) endued with quality; for this is the first thing effable by us, and is, sensible.

Whether however is it known and effable, or unknown and ineffable?

For that which is perfectly effable cannot be conjoined with the perfectly ineffable; but it is necessary that the progression of intelligibles should terminate in this order, in which the first effable subsists, and that which is called by proper names.

For that which is perfectly effable cannot be conjoined with the perfectly ineffable; but it is necessary that the progression of intelligibles should terminate in this order, in which the first effable subsists, and that which is called by proper names.

affable 308 occurrences

Handsome and trim and affable, no imaginable tourist could possibly have divinedfor everybody in Lichfield knew, of coursethat Rudolph Musgrave had rounded his half-century; and he stayed, as ever, invaluable to Lichfield matrons alike against the entertainment of an "out-of-town" girl, the management of a cotillon, and the prevention of unpleasant pauses among incongruous dinner-companies.

The civic commander-in-chief watched the movements with affable scrutiny, surrounded by a profusely uniformed staff, to whom he expressed the most politic approval.

RVTA OMNIBVS SVBDITA ET ATFABI LIS BIBET IN NOMINE PETRI IN PACE Ruta, subject and affable to all, shall live in the name of Peter, in the peace of Christ.

From cordial he became affable, from affable affectionate, and from affectionate he passed to that degree of friendship in which you lean across the dinner-table, tap a man on the shoulder and call him "old pal."

From cordial he became affable, from affable affectionate, and from affectionate he passed to that degree of friendship in which you lean across the dinner-table, tap a man on the shoulder and call him "old pal."

No one has ever denied that from first to last Louis Napoleon was courteous, affable, gentle, patient, and kind, with a control over his feelings and thoughts absolutely marvellous and unprecedented in a public man,if we except Disraeli.

fine spoken, fair spoken, soft-spoken; honey-mouthed, honey- tongued; oily, bland; obliging, conciliatory, complaisant, complacent; obsequious &c 886. ingratiating, winning; gentle, mild; good-humored, cordial, gracious, affable, familiar; neighborly.

These two, the little, affable German and the tall, grave Frenchman, stood now behind their counter drawing off mugs of Pilsener as fast as their four hands could move.

"Good-morning," said an affable gentleman with a Hebrew countenance, approaching.

The affable merchant was trying to recall his customer's name.

" "That opinion will recommend you to Doctor Bottesham," replied Parkhurst; "and since I have smoothed the way for you, you will find him very affable and condescending.

Long before the commissary had finished his report there arrived no less a person than M. Simon, the chief of police, round-faced and affable, a brisk, dapper man whose ready smile had led more than one trusting criminal into regretted confidences.

The Medium, speaking in an affable voice, premised that he could promise nothing, he had no "directing" power over manifestations.

She came up in the most affable frame of mind; nothing could be further from the normal indignation of the British landlady.

He was an affable, sober, steady chap, popularly known as "Dunk the Dauntless" because of an uncanny ability to cope successfully with the ailments of 90 per cent, of the internal-combustion hay-balers and refractory tin-Lizzies in the county when other mechanics had given them up in disgust.

Piragoff was very affable.

Two Persons who have chosen each other out of all the Species, with design to be each other's mutual Comfort and Entertainment, have in that Action bound themselves to be good-humour'd, affable, discreet, forgiving, patient and joyful, with respect to each other's Frailties and Perfections, to the End of their Lives.

He was ascetic and sparing; his wisdom was great, his judgement acute; affable, humble, and in nothing affected; of a thriving, silent, and methodical genius.

On the other hand, she was gracious and affable when all her wishes were fulfilled, and when nobody opposed her in any thing.

He had put on a shortish snuff-colored coat with pointed tails, and had tied his cravat tight, he coughed incessantly, and made way for every one with kindly and affable mien.

There he found no one in the drawing-room but Panshine, who told him that Maria Dmitrievna would come directly, and immediately entered into conversation with him in the kindest and most affable manner.

In his narrow cell, he seemed more like an object of pity than vengeancewas affable and communicative, and when he smiled, exhibited so mild and gentle a countenance, that no one would take him to be a villain.

He was a man of genial spirit, affable manners, and commanding eloquence.

He was charmingly affable, encouraging our questions, and unwearied in his demonstration.

She was no longer the self-revealed woman of the afternoon, but seemingly an affable, harmless old lady of the night on the boundary of her social world.

Do we say   effable   or  affable