44 examples of efflorescences in sentences

There were none of the efflorescences, if one may so term them, which are so generally visible at four cardinal points of its solar prototype.

The book has been read eagerly and fondly studied, as if it were a new book of fin du siècle production: the last efflorescence of intellectual satiety, cynicism, and despair.

Life does its work, and the father and the mother are ever wonderstruck with admiration and emotion at the sight of that efflorescence alike of their flesh and their souls.

Numerous plains in North Africa are covered with saline and nitrous efflorescence; to the presence of these minerals is owing the inexhaustible fertility of the soil, which hardly ever receives any manure, only a little stubble being occasionally burnt.

The efflorescence, too, is not always confined to the skin, but occasionally tinges the inside of the lips, cheeks, palate, throat, nostrils, and even the internal surface of the eyelids.

Sometimes the efflorescence is continuous and universal; but more generally on the trunk of the body there are intervals of a natural hue between the patches, with papulous dots scattered over them, the colour being most deep on the loins and neighbouring parts, at the flexure of the joints, and upon those parts of the body which are subjected to pressure.

The various symptoms with which the eruption is accompanied, gradually disappear with the efflorescence; but the tongue still remains morbidly red and clean.

But the period of efflorescence has not yet arrived; a "call" came in due season, and this carried the ministerial florist to another "sphere of action."

The cotton-fields were all abloom on Gerald's plantation, and his stuccoed villa, with spacious veranda and high porch, gleamed out in whiteness among a magnificent growth of trees, and a garden gorgeous with efflorescence.

Drops of deliquescence glistened on his forehead, Whitened round his feet the dust of efflorescence, Till one Monday morning, when the flow suspended, There was no De Sauty.

White cotton caps and red bandanna handkerchiefs were the prevailing forms of efflorescence.

These precautions are doubtless of use; but if the road is protected, the passengers are hardly so, when the sand flies like a bullet hail, and the wind sweeps up from the plain the whitish efflorescences of salt.

Day came; our train ran the four hundred kilometres between Tchertchen and Tcharkalyk, while the sun caressed with its rays the immense plain, glittering in its saline efflorescences.

It would be easy to overstate the efflorescence of distinctively feminine emotion, dressiness, mysticism, and vanity upon the suffrage movement.

The lakes, too, appear to be yearly decreasing in extent, the immediate consequence of which is, that the elevated portions of the interior are nearly stripped of vegetation, and the soil covered with an efflorescence of carbonate of soda, there called Tequisquita, resembling very closely the plains of the two Castiles, and recalling to the Eastern traveller the desolate wastes of some parts of Persia.

I am under the melancholy necessity of supporting that character by study, which I gained by levity, having learned too late that gaiety must be recommended by higher qualities, and that mirth can never please long but as the efflorescence of a mind loved for its luxuriance, but esteemed for its usefulness.

All alike, however, were mistaken in supposing that antique precedent sanctioned this efflorescence of immorality.

The new ice over which I walked is extraordinarily slippery and free from efflorescence.

The commercial bourgeoisie had covered these lands with an architectural efflorescence, legitimate daughter of their dreams.

During the prevalence of dry winds, the earth in many districts of India becomes frosted over with nitrous efflorescences, and the great quantity shipped from the commercial ports, and that consumed in China, is thus a natural production of that region.

Anglo-Irish humorous literature was a comparatively late product, but its efflorescence was rapid and triumphant.

From the white appearance of many large patches of the level country, we inferred that they were covered with a salt efflorescence; and it is probable that a very great portion of it is occasionally flooded, being cut up by a number of creeks, which must overflow at spring tides, especially when they occur simultaneously with the north-west winds that prevail on this coast during the monsoon.

Not art, but a sign, a presentiment of an art, that may grow from the present seeds, that may rise into some stately and unpremeditated efflorescence, as the rhapsodist rose to Sophocles, as the miracle play rose through Peele and Nash to Marlowe, hence to the wondrous summer of Shakespeare, to die later on in the mist and yellow and brown of the autumn of Crowes and Davenants.

It was the simple investigation, the conventional examination of a botanist minutely observing the anticipated development of normal efflorescence abounding in the natural earth.

In place of fungus or discolored moisture the dust of efflorescence whitened in the obscured corners.

44 examples of  efflorescences  in sentences