256 examples of ejaculation in sentences

Abe turned his head, and made a startled ejaculation.

The hosier that was burned with his shop in Field Lane, on Tuesday night, shall have passed to heaven for me like a Marian Martyr, provided always that he consecrated the fortuitous incremation with a short ejaculation in the exit, as much as if he had taken his state degrees of martyrdom in formâ in the market vicinage.

If these pious women could send up an ejaculation, when the child expired, all was well, and no questions asked by the superiors.

" At this point in the narrative Mr. Tutt kicked the coal hod violently and uttered a smothered ejaculation.

otherwise it passeth but for the pious ejaculation of a loyal subject: although it unluckily happened in some of their Almanacks, that poor King WILLIAM was prayed for, many months after he was dead; because it fell out, that he died about the beginning of the year.

'I heard you studying when they let me in.' 'Oh!' His voice sounded very indifferent, and a pause followed Margaret's mild ejaculation.

Not an hour in the day but some ejaculation of pity is uttered over the fate of the latter, mingled with indignation at her oppressor.

The Czech operator gave a sharp ejaculation, like "Dar!

It was an ejaculation of pity, but there was a note of triumph in it, too; perhaps the joy of the gratified philanthropist.

" The earl uttered an ejaculation of rage.

It is often (though not exclusively) used in ejaculation and prayer, as here, and was perhaps supposed to be the vocative form.

The first ejaculation of Wolsey, on meeting these holy persons, plainly shows that he was fully aware of his approaching end: "Father Abbot," said he, "I am come hither to lay my bones among you;" and it was with great difficulty that they could get him up the stairs, which it was fated he was never again to descend alive.

" The General made an ejaculation of assent, and left the cabin.

MARTIN LUTHER If we cannot omit these troubadours, how can we overlook Martin Luther, whose musical attainments the skeptics are wont to minimise, as others deny his claim to that magnificent ejaculation: "Who loves not wine, women, and song remains a fool his whole life long."

The landlady fainted outright: the exciseman followed her example: the landlord gasped in an agony of terror: and the schoolmaster uttered a pious ejaculation for the behoof of his soul.

At this moment, when Mick's triumphant ejaculation was uttered, they were all lyingin bed.

This last ejaculation from Ambrose was caused by the sight that met his gaze.

We wonder whether there has been a single democratic leader either in France or England who has not incessantly felt the full force of Danton's ejaculation.

When the time came, everybody had his ears so wide open, to hear the universal ejaculation of Boo,the word agreed upon,that nobody spoke except a deaf man in one of the Fiji Islands, and a woman in Pekin, so that the world was never so still since the creation.

Froude stretched out his long length on Newman's sofa, and broke in upon one of Palmer's judicious harangues about Bishops and Archdeacons and such like, with the ejaculation, "I don't see why we should disguise from ourselves that our object is to dictate to the clergy of this country, and I, for one, do not want any one else to get on the box."

Your lives would go on together, widening, widening" "Oh!" interrupted Kate with a sharp ejaculation; "we'll not talk of it any more, Honora.

From its neighboring garden, the convent of the Ursulines responds in a tone of devoutness, while from the parapet of the less pious little Fort St. Charles, the evening gun sends a solemn ejaculation rumbling down the "coast;" a drum rolls, the air rises again from the water like a flock of birds, and many in the square and on the levee's crown turn and accept its gentle blowing.

"Poor you!" "Poor me, indeed!" cry I, with emphasis, and to this day I cannot make up my mind whether the ejaculation were good grammar or no.

" Some suppressed ejaculation, and he pushed back his chair, and rose, and came across the room: at least it sounded so, and I ran down the stairs again.

"What was he after at the minute?making a pudding, wasn't he, in some gentleman's hat?" I uttered a sudden ejaculation, and set down my glass of negus untasted.

256 examples of  ejaculation  in sentences