238 examples of embargos in sentences

Already the manufacture of heavy howitzers for the Spring Offensive had been stoppedby a cunning embargo upon small essential partsand the moment had arrived for a trial of strength between authority and rebellion.

At the epoch of the war of 1812 and the embargo laws, a convention of the New England States assembled at Hartford, and talked of eventual separation, whereupon the Southern party likened all separation without consent to treason, and this doctrine was sustained by the Richmond Inquirer, the organ of Jefferson.

It was not until Sir Walter Scott arose with his wholesome manliness that the embargo against novels was removed.

[Law]; embargo, ban, taboo, proscription; index expurgatorius [Lat.]; restriction &c (restraint) 751; hindrance &c 706; forbidden fruit; Maine law [U.S.].

Supposing even 2,000 regular troops are destined for this expedition, with a corresponding train of field pieces, and at the moment there should not be found in the Islands a sufficient number of larger vessels to embargo or freight for their conveyance, a competent quantity of coasters, galleys and small craft might be met with at any time sufficiently capacious and secure to carry the men.

LA AJORCA DEL ORO I Ella era hermosa, hermosa con esa hermosura que inspira el vértigo; hermosa con esa hermosura que no se parece en nada á la que soñamos en los ángeles, y que, sin embargo, es sobrenatural; hermosura diabólica, que tal vez presta el demonio á algunos seres para hacerlos

Sin embargo, aquella sonrisa muda é inmóvil que le tranquilizara un instante, concluyó por infundirle temor; un temor más extraño, más profundo que el que hasta entonces había sentido.

Sin embargo, entre todos ellos había dos que más particularmente se distinguían por

no ... mas ved, sin embargo, hasta donde llega mi extravagancia.

Nada menos prodigioso, sin embargo, que el órgano de Santa Inés, ni nada más vulgar que los insulsos motetes que nos regaló su organista aquella noche.

Trascurrieron, sin embargo

Sin embargo, algunas revelaciones hechas antes de morir por uno de sus secuaces, prisionero en las últimas refriegas, acabaron de colmar la medida, preocupando el ánimo de los más incrédulos.

El sacerdote, sin embargo, se limitó á contestarle:

embargo, m., hindrance; sin , nevertheless, however, notwithstanding.

"Daily Paper.] Swiftly the shadow of William the Hun Fades from the fields that our valour has won; Totter the thrones of our many Controllers, Freedom is coming to man and his molars: Doomed is the coupon and doomed is the card, With all the embargos that hit us so hard; Now we may purchase unlimited lard.

The embargo and non-intercourse act, prostrated at a stroke, a forest of shipping, and sank millions of capital.

The embargo and non-intercourse act, prostrated at a stroke, a forest of shipping, and sank millions of capital.

The death of Mary removed the embargo, and before Elizabeth had been Queen for many months, the second (or genuine first) edition of the Myrroure for Magistrates made its appearance, a thin quarto, charmingly printed in two kinds of type.


Imagine the navigation, the produce, and the merchandise of the nation thus suddenly embargoed by one great seizure, upon the plea that they might possibly be seized abroad, and some faint idea may be formed of the alarm, distress, and indignant feeling which pervaded the entire seaboard under the Embargo of 1807.

After the passage of the Embargo Act, other acts were speedily passed to give it efficacy.

Their representations, and the signal defeat of the Democracy at the North, proved irresistible; and the Embargo, after a protracted struggle, fell before them.

But the pusillanimous policy which prompted the embargo survived its repeal.

" So afterwards, in the time of the Embargo, Parson Eaton, of Harpswell, a Federalist, is recorded to have introduced his prayer for the President in a formula which might be recommended at the present day for the use of the people of Kansas.

They rioted in the towns, doubled the taxes, put an embargo on trade and export, crushed the industries; worse, they took the young men and sent them away to Karl Gustav's wars in foreign lands.

238 examples of  embargos  in sentences