1857 examples of embarrassing in sentences

But while nothing serious clouded my name, I had more to blush for than to pride myself upon in my career as prince of good fellows,and these men knew it, both of them, and let it weigh in the scale already tipped far off its balance by coincidences which a better man than myself would have found it embarrassing to explain.

" Eveena's humble, unconscious self-abnegation was rendering the conversation intolerably painful, and even the embarrassing situation now at hand was a welcome interruption.

He swung his legs inboard, faced about, and studied Rudolph with embarrassing frankness.

The German Government found the Pangermans embarrassing or convenient according as the direction of its policy and the European situation changed from crisis to crisis.

A law, therefore, sir, to restrain them in time of war from such exorbitant demands; to deprive them of those prospects which have often no other effect than to lull them in idleness, while they skulk about in expectation of higher wages; and to hinder them from deceiving themselves, embarrassing the merchants, and neglecting the general interest of their country, is undoubtedly just.

This seemed to be in the line of that something that must be done, and Miss Caroline and I made much of it, to avoid the situation's more embarrassing aspects.

It was thought at one time that, if the Germans seriously weakened their hold on some of the more troublesome tribes and withdrew garrisons from localities where troops alone had kept the native in subjection, risings of a terrible and embarrassing character would be the result.

" "Oh, by all means," cried the colonel, who saw the danger of an embarrassing rupture between the families, otherwise: "delicacy to your sex particularly requires that, ma'am, from your son;" and he accidentally dropped a letter as he spoke.

They still stood in the hall in an embarrassing position, Fernando holding her hand in his (which he had no right to do, for Morgianna had only given it to him to shake), and yet both hesitated to go or stay anywhere.

It is embarrassing for a modest man to talk about himself.

It had been originally intended that the Dolphin should proceed to Roebuck Bay and meet us there; but it was now so late in the season that I did not deem it prudent to run the risk of removing her to an unknown anchorage, where it was possible we might not be able to reach, and thus lay ourselves open to the probability of a very embarrassing uncertainty.

General Tilney, who had paid Catherine the most embarrassing attentions, suddenly and unexpectedly returned from town, where he had gone for a day or two on business, and packed Catherine off home immediately, with hardly an apology, and at scarcely a moment's notice.

My credentials being found satisfactory, the door was unlocked and I entered, accompanied by three enterprising reporters, whom, however, the sergeant summarily ejected and locked out, returning to usher me into the presence and to observe my proceedings with intelligent but highly embarrassing interest.

A newspaper had so often been to him a shelter from his mother's eyes, a protection from his mother's tongue, that, whenever he saw a storm or a siege of embarrassing questioning about to begin, he looked around for a newspaper as involuntarily as a soldier feels in his belt for his pistol.

That is why this illness of his is so embarrassing to us.

" Virginia felt that she had never received a more embarrassing visitor.

Mrs. Delano noticed his glance of admiration, and the thought occurred, as it had often done before, what an embarrassing dilemma she would be in, if he should propose marriage to her protégée.

" "If it should prove to be her sister, it will be a very embarrassing affair," rejoined Mrs. Delano.

Her heart yearns for you, and the longer your meeting is deferred, the more embarrassing it will be.

And then you must see, of course, what an embarrassing position it would place me in before the world.

That, of course, would be embarrassing, if not impossible, should you be sitting near each other.

In all his visits he combined a majesty the loftiest, the proudest, the most delicate, the most sustained, at the same time the least embarrassing when he had once established it, with a politeness which savored of it, always and in all cases; masterlike everywhere, but with degrees according to persons.

" There was an embarrassing silence, during which Miss Drewitt, who had turned very red, felt strangely uncomfortable.

When the grand-daughter was enjoying a Sunday night call from her "intended" it was rather embarrassing.

Rosey broke the embarrassing silence.

1857 examples of  embarrassing  in sentences