169 examples of emir in sentences

Oh, haply 'twas that Zaida's self, Ungrateful like her changing sex, Had chosen this emir, thus in scorn Her Abenamar's soul to vex.

Tis of no courtly gallant the Moorish damsel dreams, No lordly emir who commands the fort by Tagus' streams, 'Twas on the banks of Tornes stood the haughty towers of note Where the young alcaydé loved by the maid from cities dwelt remote.

What he had written, in Arabic, in the article which he subscribed, was, properly translated, "The Emir Abd-el-Kader acknowledges that there is a French Sultan, and that he is great.

The Emir, who was an eye-witness of his bravery, rewarded him on the field of battle by presenting him with his own sword and the Cross of the Crescent, the only military order in the service, and which is never awarded except fur a very distinguished action.

In 1795, Hisham retired to a sanctuary where he soon died, and then Muley Suleimau was proclaimed in the southern provinces Emir-el-Monmeneen, and Sultan of the whole empire.

With regard to Emir Foisul's position there is no news except that the Mandates of Britain and France transform his military title into a civil title.

Who is the King of Hedjaj and who is Emir Feisul?

After the death of Timur, he entered into the service of Shah-Rokh, and was left by that prince among the auxiliary troops, which assisted his brother Miran-Shah against Kara-Joseph, a Turkomanian emir of the black-weather tribe.

This journey was described by the famous Persian historian, Emir-Khond, or Emir-Khovand, usually known by the name of Mirchond, in his performance, entitled, "Of the Wonders of the World."

This journey was described by the famous Persian historian, Emir-Khond, or Emir-Khovand, usually known by the name of Mirchond, in his performance, entitled, "Of the Wonders of the World."

I did a most thrilling three columns about the hats of the delegates, from the bowler of Mr. BONAR LAW to the "coffieh" and "igal" headdress of EMIR FAISUL, the Arab Prince.

Not far off is the Arche, which is the fortified palace of the emir and has a modern clock over the door.

There are the graves of the Russian soldiers who died in the attack in 1868, near the ancient palace of the Emir of Bokhara.

But as I considered that, for the honor of special correspondents in general, it would never do to have been at Samarkand without seeing Tamerlane's tomb, our arba returned to the southwest, and drew up near the mosque of Gour Emir, close to the Russian town.

Madame De Ujfalvy-Bourdon has justly compared this part of the mosque of Gour Emir to a sanctuary, and we had the same impression.

Less fortunate than Chapman and Gordon, Major Noltitz and I were not able to see the Kachgarian capital when the armies of the tumultuous emir filled its streets.

All have disappeared, the picturesque warriors of Kachgaria and the emir with them.

COMMANDER OF THE FAITHFUL (Emir al Mumenin), a title assumed by Omar I., and retained by his successors in the caliphate (581, 634-644).

"Not so, my liege, but he met a Saracen Emir, who understood that Saladin should send his own leech to you.

(These were not slavers but avengers of enmity to the Mad Mullah and punishers of friendship to the English.) "How much law will you give me, O Emir?" asked the child.

"Perhaps ten yards, dog, perhaps a hundred, perhaps more.... Run!" "You could hit me at a thousand yards, O Emir," was the reply.

He also bounded, shied, dodged, ducked, swerved, dropped, crawled, zig-zagged and generally gave his best attention to evading the shot of the common fighting-man whom he had propitiatorily addressed as "Emir," though a mere wearer of a single fillet of camel-hair cord around his haik.

This was an Emir indeed.

In Aden, men knew a Somali from a Hubshi as surely as they knew an Emir from a mere Englishman.

[Illustration: Letter B.] Baghasihan, the Turkish Prince, or Emir of Antioch, had under his command an Armenian of the name of Phirouz, whom he had entrusted with the defence of a tower on that part of the city wall which overlooked the passes of the mountains.

169 examples of  emir  in sentences