6631 examples of emotion in sentences

It might have been called a scornful laugh if the Kearney girl had been capable of any emotion so dignified as scorn.

In families like the Werners emotion is rarely expressed.

But Geisha McCoy's emotion was made of different stuff.

Slowly, laboriously, with little outward sign of the emotion that rent his heart, he dug a shallow grave He knew perfectly that this was a serious risk to his cause.

The supplies in the boat, her father's desperate attempt to rescue her, even at the risk of her own life and the cost of Ben's, this white, exultant face before her, more terrible than that of the wolf between, the cold reptile eyes so full of some unhallowed emotion,at last she saw their meaning and relation.

In some vague manner it was borne in on her that once before she had experienced the same emotion, had come into contact with someone, something, that had affected her emotionally just as this man did now.

Such a voice is a responsive instrument on which emotion and mood play wonderfully seductive strains.

She fell to talking the soft Ojibway dialect, and in the conversation forgot some of her emotion and regained some of her calm.

Suddenly, in the white heat of her emotion, she realized why these matters stirred her so profoundly, and she stopped short and gasped with the shock of it.

Then, as the wave of his emotion rolled back from the poise into which the first shock of anger had thrown it, it escaped through his lips in a constantly increasing stream of bitter words.

At the first thought his face twisted with emotion, then hardened to cold malice.

She never seemed to experience the least emotion of gratitude, and received all favors as a natural right.

His character was dignified and pure, and his strongest emotion seems to have been his religious feeling.

To abstract the mind from all local emotion would be impossible, if it were endeavored, and would be foolish, if it were possible."

He was aware again of an emotion that was partly terror and partly confidence.

And in the other cases it is generally the force of an exceptionally strong will that has lost its balance, and is powerful enough to disregard all ordinary checks of reason and common sense and human emotion.

At first his only emotion was surprise.

The old days at Whortley came out of his memory with astonishing detail and yet astonishingly free from emotion....

He went to sleephe used to read his literature in bed because it was warmer there, and over literature nowadays it did not matter as it did with science if one dozed a littlewith these lines stimulating his emotion: "So weeks grew months, years; gleam by gleam The glory dropped from their youth and love, And both perceived they had dreamed a dream.

Neither did Ethel, though the emotion was indisputable.

It suddenly struck me that my emotion might give the hateful man an advantage over me, and the thought restored all my self-possession at once.

" "I wanted to ask you," she said, with emotion, "why you are so different to me now?

She too tried to control her emotion, and the feeling which urged her towards me.

Why, he can never think of him without emotion.

This embraces, indeed, a field not wholly coincident with that of pastoral, but the two are connected alike by a common spring in human emotion and constant literary association.

6631 examples of  emotion  in sentences