566 examples of endears in sentences

* But grant, the virtues of a temperate prime Bless with an age exempt from scorn or crime; An age that melts with unperceived decay, And glides in modest innocence away; Whose peaceful day Benevolence endears, Whose night congratulating Conscience cheers; The general favourite as the general friend: Such age there is, and who shall wish its end?

Nor has it on the other hand that fine falling off flakiness, that oleaginous peeling off (as it were, like a sea onion), which endears your cod's head & shoulders to some appetites; that manly firmness, combined with a sort of womanish coming-in-pieces, which the same cod's head & shoulders hath, where the whole is easily separable, pliant to a knife or a spoon, but each individual flake presents a pleasing resistance to the opposed tooth.

Nothing endears one so quickly to one's fellow-beings as laughing at their jokes.

My answer is because I myself am Victorian, and because the Victorianism to which I belong is now passing so rapidly into history, henceforth to present to the world a colder aspect than that which endears it to my own mind.

We fell out, my wife and I, And kissed again with tears: And blessings on the falling-out That all the more endears, When we fall out with those we love, And kiss again with tears!

Of her bright face, one glance will trace a picture on the brain, And of her voice, in echoing hearts a sound must long remain; But memory such as mine of her, so very much, endears When death is nigh, my latest sigh will not be life's, but hers.

the beatific kiss That seal'd thy welcome to the shores of bliss, No holier joy instill'd, than then wilt feel If thine the task thy kindred's woes to heal; If hovering yet, with viewless ministry, In scenes which Memory consecrates to thee, Thou soothe with binding balm which grief endears, A Sire's, a Husband's, anda Mother's tears!

For what but social guilt the friend endears? Who shares Orgilio's crimes, his fortune shares.

290 But grant, the virtues of a temperate prime Bless with an age exempt from scorn or crime An age that melts with unperceived decay, And glides in modest innocence away, Whose peaceful day Benevolence endears, Whose night congratulating Conscience cheers; The general favourite as the general friend: Such age there is, and who shall wish its end?

It is a winning trait that endears friends to him most closely, that makes them cheerfully overlook such imprudent benefactions as may result from it, though he himself holds it with a strong rein, and only reveals that side of his nature to those who know him best.

But these are trifles comparatively; what most endears them to me is their constancy.

The first thing which endears the new woman to me personally, more even than her cleverness, is that she has a sense of humor.

" There is in this incident a glimpse of the character of our author which endears him to us all.

The all of thine that cannot die Through dark and dread Eternity, Returns again to me, And more thy buried love endears Than aught, except its living years.

Sentiment sweetens, beautifies and endears all that is human and natural.

We know that favors from an enemy derive a taint from the hands through which they are received, and excite alienation rather than attachment: but the kindness of a friend, by constantly reminding us of himself, endears that friend more and more to our hearts; and thus, he that has no love to God receives all His favors without the least attraction toward their Author, whom he regards rather as an enemy than as a friend.

I doubt, too, whether the lower races are able to appreciate flowers esthetically as we do, apart from their fragrance, which endears them to some barbarians of the higher grades.

yet I knew her worth; How oft, tho' nature still the thought endears, Has my worn bosom heav'd its tribute forth.

The really good and loving mother endears herself to that pilot, and loves him and seeks his affection for her daughter's sake.

The principle of liberty is what especially endears the Presbyterian church to me.

Without an effort he endears to us the defects of his hero's Quixotic qualities, and makes his very deformity contribute to the triumph of his heroic panache.

A perished sun Endears in the departure How doubly more Than all the golden presence It was before!

Low at his foot a spacious plain is placed, Between the mountain and the stream embraced, Which shade and shelter from the hill derives, While the kind river wealth and beauty gives, And in the mixture of all these appears Variety, which all the rest endears.

It endears him to millions, and also draws upon him the hatred and loathing of a few Pharisees, some of them members of his own sect.

Death have hush'd The music that endears, And makes this chill'd existence tolerable?

566 examples of  endears  in sentences