5928 examples of endures in sentences

PART NINE - RELICS "You have chosen the love 'that lives sans murmurings, Sans passion,' and incuriously endures The gradual lapse of time.

To abolish this nuisance, and at the same time silence sundry unpleasant rumours which had somehow got abroad, Gerbert devised the ceremony of kissing the Pope's feet, which, in a grievously mutilated form, endures to this day.

The "itching palm" of Cassius, Brutus' rectitude and honesty of purpose, and Mark Antony's oration will ever live while the English language endures.

Yet Winchester endures in her beauty, her now so precarious loveliness, and while she endures it is still possible to refuse to despair of England.

Yet Winchester endures in her beauty, her now so precarious loveliness, and while she endures it is still possible to refuse to despair of England.

All the means are at hand for bringing the land to lifethe water, the engineer, the capital, the labour; only the Ottoman pretension stands in the way, and condemns the Sawâd to lie dead and unharvested so long as it endures.

If the teachers alone are duty-obsessed, or perhaps sadistic, the child endures the agonies of repeated admonitions, demotions, and punishments.

But why endures your grace that braving mate, To sit and face us in his robes of state? MARIUS.

Oh, the work is hard and the days are long, But hammers are tools for men, And granite endures and steel is strong, Outliving both brush and pen.

She has not only open hostility to fear, but treachery, which is far worse; and she declares that "a perpetual imprisonment in a solitary tower on the sea-shore would be a less cruel fate than that which she daily endures from the wickedness of her enemies and the weakness of her friends.

The forms of Christianity change, but Christianity itself endures.

At length, however, though the class of the winter, all told, amounted to less than a hundred, a sufficient number had arrived to induce the professors to commence their lectures; and the introductory of Dr. Rush was a performance of deep and touching interest, and never, I think, to be forgotten (while his memory endures), by any one who listened to it, and was susceptible of the impression it was calculated to make.

the good house, tho' ruin'd, O my son, Endures not that her guest should serve himself.

Yet a few must be mentioned because the fame of them still endures, and because they are examples of naval warfare in the days when the ships fought lashed together, and when the boarders, cutlass and pistol in hand, climbed over the bulwarks and met the enemy on his own deck, man to man.

A stranger is at first unaware of the cause of the mental misery he endures; his temper sours as his spirits sink; every person, and every circumstance, annoys him; it affects even his dreams; sleep itself is not a refuge from querulous peevishness, and every motion is an irritating exertion.

Races and families change, but the distinction endures, is stamped upon all things pertaining to both.

No one owns to subordination As a consequence, any position which involves the acknowledgment of an innate inferiority is difficult to fill; there is, from the European point of view, an extraordinary dearth of servants, and this endures in spite of a great peasant immigration.

The tests are applied, and the young wife's love, although perplexed and tortured in the extreme, triumphantly endures them all.

The man who endures all that the tormentors can do to him without a sign, simply refuses to acknowledge the agonies inflicted.

As the tears subside a little, and with her head leaning backward at an angle that will not injure her bonnet, she endures that terrible moment when grief, which has made all things else a weariness, has itself become weary; she looks down pensively at her bracelets, and adjusts their clasps with that pretty studied fortuity which would be gratifying to her mind if it were once more in a calm and healthy state.

yet of all wretched persons existent I am he who endures the most grievous anguish, for daily I partake of life without any relish, and I would in truth deem him austerely kind who slew me now that the maiden Ysabeau is dead.

There is Fear in that room of hersblack Fear, and there will beso long as this house of sin endures.

Perhaps the butterflies do not even realise that night endures; darkness comesthey sleep; darkness fleesthey wake again.

Shepherd, were I but sure thy heart were sound As thy words seem to be, means might be found To cure thee of thy long pains; for to me That heavy youth-consuming Miserie The love-sick Soul endures, never was pleasing; I could be well content with the quick easing Of thee, and thy hot fires, might it procure Thy faith and farther service to be sure.

how long you've been dust, and the little piece of metal still endures.

5928 examples of  endures  in sentences