4 examples of englandism in sentences

He had written books and poems, preached Unitarian sermons, recanted, and preached philosophy and Church-of-Englandism.

She would have started as from a snake, from the issue which the reader very clearly foresees, that Lancelot would fall in love, not with Young Englandism, but with Argemone Lavington.

He was afterwards at the University, and he has described the scruples of an ingenuous youthful mind about subscribing the articles, in a passage in his Church-of-Englandism, which smacks of truth and honour both, and does one good to read it in an age, when "to be honest" (or not to laugh at the very idea of honesty) "is to be one man picked out of ten thousand!"

Men will not keep standing in that very attitude which you call sound Church-of-Englandism or orthodox Protestantism.

4 examples of  englandism  in sentences