Do we say english or slang

english 40281 occurrences

There is no important objection to raise against Professor Marcks' statement of English history and Britain's favoured position on the surface of the globe.

The encouragement which England gives, directly or indirectly, to French chauvinism may one day end in a catastrophe in which English and French soldiers must pay with their blood on French battlefields for England's encircling policy.

"Even before he could assume that Belgian neutrality was in danger, he pledged English policy to the wishes of France.

"In English Captivity," by Heinrich Norden, late missionary.

"English Character," by Professor Arnold Schröer.

Possibly sooner or later, England's present allies will see that in reality they are serving English interests.

Another writer (Heinrich Norden, late missionary in Duala, German Cameroons) sinks a little lower and states that English officers were guilty of thieving when Duala was captured.

[Footnote 219: "In Englischer Gefangenschaft" ("In English Captivity"), by Heinrich Norden, late missionary in Duala, Cameroons.]

"In declaring my willingness to relate our experiences during the defence and surrender of Duala and my experiences in English captivity, my motive was not to add fuel to the fires of hate against England.

The English incited them like a pack of hounds to worry their own raceand looked on with a laugh.

"Another German, Herr Student, was compelled to look on while the natives drowned his comrade (Herr Nickstadt) in a river, while he himself was afterwards delivered up to the English.

Only he who has felt the effects of English hate upon his own person can understand the brutal deeds perpetrated recently on Germans in London and Liverpool.

The attempted murder did not succeed, but the original documents are in the possession of the German Foreign Office, so that all doubt is excluded as to the English Government's participationwith their most honourable Grey at the headin this Machiavellian plan.

"What is one to think when Sombart asks his readers: 'What single cultural work has emerged from the great shop, England, since Shakespeareexcept that political abortion the English State?'

" The other is taken from "Der englische Gedanke in Deutschland" ("The English Idea in Germany,") by Ernst Müller-Holm, p. 72.

"These remarks are intended as a refutation to the reproaches made against the English army.

The English have adapted the experiences gained in their colonial wars to European conditions in a particularly clever manner.

The battles which have raged since the end of September on the front between Givenchy la Gobelle and Armentières, have confirmed the deadly seriousness of the English.

He had never spoken English well.

They are important and voluminous enough to form a separate book; nor do they seem to me so well adapted as the sonnets for translation into English.

The following account of the bombardment of Mogador by the French, written at the period by an English Resident may be of interest at the present time.

Poor Mrs. Levy (an English Jewess, married to a Maroquine Jew), and her family were left behind, and accompanied the rest of the miserable Jews and natives, to be maltreated, stripped naked, and, perhaps, murdered, like many poor Jews.

To do Yezeed justice, he followed out the instincts of his birth, and made war on all the world except the English (or Irish).

[20] In 936, Arzila was sacked by the English, and remained for twenty years uninhabited.

The rest of the day, as usual, passed peacefully, and the pleasant services in the pretty little English Church were much enjoyed.

slang 556 occurrences

" "Touge" is Annapolis slang for "fresh."

Crug is still current slang.

Still current slang.

In slaughter-house slang the soldiers cry, "Let us pole-axe the lot of them.

Weren't you going to treat the crowd when I brought Percy along and let you sting him?" "Such horrid slang!" "Go on, be a sport!

Do you know how to snob?”—A snob in English slang is a bootmaker, so the squatter wanted his man to do a bit of boot-repairing.

To knock a monkey over is to kill a sheep, monkey being slang for sheep in many parts of the bush.

[Footnote: Toke is a slang word for bread.

He had got into reputation with the public by a certain professional slang, humored by a medical face, and some extraordinary cures more honored by implicit faith than scrupulous investigation.

And since these writers, who may, in the slang of the hour, be called "impressionists" in literature, follow their own bad taste in the manufacture of dainty phrases, devoid of all nerve, and generally with some quite commonplace meaning, it is all the more necessary to discriminate carefully between artifice and art.

This paper, one of the most characteristic of the Commune, was filled with trivialities, in the vilest taste and slang, which cannot be rendered in English.

To another there is a memory and a sorrow in the flirt of a fan, the rustle of a dress, the grinding of a barrel-organ, or the slang of a street song.

It was awful slang, but he could not help it: it was just the very jolliest go!" Susan Josselyn's quiet letter said,"That kindness which kept us on and made it beautiful for us, strangers, at Outledge, has brought to me, by God's providence, this great happiness of my life.

What is coarsely, but expressively, described in the political slang of this country as "The Everlasting Nigger Question" might perhaps fairly be considered exhausted as a topic of discussion, if ever a topic was.

how appropriate is the slang phrase "Don't you wish you may get 'em?"

In the letter itself, as well as in the remarks of the audience on it, there was a great deal of slang, and a great many cant phrases which I could not make out.

" "No! Possible!" exclaimed several voices, whose owners now crowded about me with a delighted curiosity, and began bantering me in those slang terms in which they could best express their witticisms.

The latter, howevernamely, the subject of their conversationI could not make out; not so much from a difficulty of overhearing what they said, as from the number of slang words they employed.

One relic of this occurs to us as still surviving in that slang which preserves for us so many glossologic treasures,chauffer,to chafe, (in the sense of angering,)to chaff.

" The slang was new to Hiram Ranger, but he understood.

The American thesaurus of slang.

GODDARD, GLORIA, joint author A dictionary of American slang. R112534.

SEE Witwer, Harry Charles. Classics in slang.

And you never heard such slang!

Domestic slang, scientific slang, pseudo-aesthetic affectations, hideous importations from American newspapers, all bear down with horrible force upon the glorious fabric which the genius of our race has reared.

Do we say   english   or  slang