12450 examples of enjoy in sentences

In regard to church fairs and entertainments, Dr. Conwell said in a sermon in 1893: "The Lord pity any church that has not enough of the spirit of Christ in it to stand a church fair, wherein devout offerings are brought to the tithing-house in the spirit of true devotion; the Lord pity any church that has not enough of the spirit of Jesus in it to endure or enjoy a pure entertainment.

Boys and girls between three and fourteen attend it, and Sunday morning the streets in the neighborhood of The Temple are thronged with happy-faced children on the way to their own church, the youngest in the care of parents, who are able later to enjoy more fully The Temple services, since they are not compelled to keep a watchful eye on a restless child.

The prayer meetings of Grace Baptist Church are characterized by a cheery, homelike atmosphere that appeals forcibly and at once to any one who may chance to enter, inclining him to stay and enjoy the service, be he the utmost stranger.

To learn how to do more work in the same time, or how to do much better work, is the only true road to riches which the owner can enjoy.

To give education to those in the possession of property which they might use for the help of humanity and which they might enjoy, is as clear a duty and charity as it is to help the beggar.

He was by no means scrupulous; nor did he think with the caliph Omar ben Abdalaziz that it was necessary to make a hell of this world to enjoy paradise in the next.

If you enjoy digging out beggar-women, and adorning them with all sorts of comforts and pleasures, do it.

I don't say you are not modest and humble, and all that; but you do enjoy your old women, and your fussy charity-schools.

The poetic life that his perceptions were now able to enjoy, in inanimate nature, would be such a perpetual gratification to his taste,such an incentive to explorations and discoveries!

Fred was artist enough to enjoy fully the wide sweep of sky and land,the mountains in the distance, and the firmament studded with stars.

and may we enjoy the reality, as we now do the promise of them!

Winthrop tells us that the aim of his brotherhood was "to enjoy the ordinances of Christ in their purity here."

They do not imprison themselves in a dark cage of a shop, but sit "sub Jove" where they may enjoy the life of the street and all the "skyey influences.

We do more,they enjoy more; we make violent efforts to be happy,invent, create, labor, to arrive at that quiet enjoyment which they own without struggle, and which our anxious strife unfits us to enjoy when the means for it are obtained.

We do more,they enjoy more; we make violent efforts to be happy,invent, create, labor, to arrive at that quiet enjoyment which they own without struggle, and which our anxious strife unfits us to enjoy when the means for it are obtained.

The fascinations of your present life are too overwhelming; when an invalid once begins to enjoy the contemplation of his own woes, as you appear to do, it is all over with him.

Doubtless you observe that all the swindlers, whose adventures enliven your journals, are dressed 'in the height of fashion,' and enjoy 'a mild prepossessing demeanour.'

He did not, however, long enjoy this dignity, to obtain which he had exerted all his energies, as he died at the close of the same year.

It is true that he had wealth and distinction, all which his fellow citizens at table did not enjoy; and these possessions, we know, are wonderful helps to confidence, if they do not lead the holder on to assurance.

The convicts in remote settlements have no means generally of indulging in licentiousness, but they see constantly before them the freed labourer who has, and they burn to enjoy similar privileges: and should their place of occupation be too remote from a theatre of indulgence, they get a week of holiday at Sydney, where they arrive in numbers, and, for the time they stay, wallow in every species of debauchery.

Mr. Smirkie seemed to enjoy the occasion, and held his own through the day with much dignity, The archdeacon, and the clergyman of the parish, and Mr. Bromley, all assisted, and nothing was wanting of outward ceremony which a small country church could supply.

The galleries were filled with spectators who had come to enjoy the fun.

I did not enjoy the personal acquaintance of Mr. Gueshoff, but I regarded him as a wise statesman of moderate views, who was disposed to make reasonable concessions for the sake of peace.

Think you then at length in late old age To enjoy the fruits of toil?

The peace of Tilset was only just concluded,[A] and every one was hastening to enjoy himself, every one was being swept round by a giddy whirlwind.

12450 examples of  enjoy  in sentences