18 examples of enlacing in sentences

For she walksshe our Lady, our Mistress of Wedlockthe woodlands atween, 5 And the bride-bed she weaves them, with myrtle enlacing, with curtains of green. Look aloft!

Stretch to me, Lord, that chain whose links enlace All heavenly gifts and all felicity Faith, whereunto I strive perpetually, Yet cannot find (my fault) her perfect grace.

And the young noble's unique fancy for a superb goblet of crystal da Beroviero, with a miniature of Marina of Murano enlaced in exquisite gold borders and set round with costly pearlsa trifle fit to offer to a princessnot only pleased the artist's well-known taste for luxury, but seemed to him an object worthy of his skill.

To smart and goad and lash and mortify Like the great love that binds my ruined heart Relentless, as the insidious ivy binds The shattered bulk of some deserted tower, Enlacing slow and riving with strong hands Of pitiless verdure every seam and jut,

It was one of those moments when the accumulated impressions of life converge on heart and brain, elucidating, enlacing each other, in a mysterious confusion of beauty.

Dragging hither and thither after her the rope of leather and fibre of aloes, Marimonda, rather, doubtless, by chance than by calculation, had enlaced it around the trunk of the same tree which the night before, during the storm, had agitated its dishevelled branches above the deep couch of the dying man.

Freya, staggering under the rude push, again tried to draw near to him, enlacing him again in her arms, in order to repeat her imperious kiss.

Only an almost imperceptible tremor was seen to move the eyelashes of the eye which was visible to him; only still lower did she bend her emaciated face; and the fingers of her clasped hands, enlaced with her rosary, still more closely compressed each other.

Into this chamber he introduced a small iron bed, the kind used by monks, fashioned of antique, forged and polished iron, the head and foot adorned with thick filigrees of blossoming tulips enlaced with vine branches and leaves.

Suddenly the detested plants had disappeared and two arms sought to enlace him.

Hidden behind the cover, the black band rejoined the rose which rested like a touch of modern Japanese paint or like a lascivious adjutant against the antique white, against the candid carnation tint of the book, and enlaced it, united its sombre color with the light color into a light rosette.

Anímase don Eduardo a pedir la mano de Matilde a don Pedro, quien gustosísimo se la concede, pero en el momento de convenir en tan deseado enlace, sabe la heroína que don Eduardo

Eso queda bueno cuando se trata de esos monstruosos enlaces que se ven por ahí, en donde todo se ajusta como libra de peras, y en donde se quiere averiguar antes si habrá luego que comer, o si habrá con que educar los hijos que vendrán, o que quizá no vendrán.

Que fué sin duda la que se opuso al enlace, ¿eh? DON PEDRO.

Y por más señas, que aunque no estuvo el tal enlace tan adelantado como el que seis meses antes tuvimos entre manos, lo estuvo sin embargo lo bastante para dar después mucho que hablar a la gente ociosa.

Bueno; sepa usted que cuando el Sr. D. Pedro creía que mi tío aprobaba nuestro proyectado enlace, éste me instaba a que me casase con la hija única del conde de la Langosta.... BRUNO (aparte).

Según las ideas de D. Pedro ¿cuáles son las circunstancias favorables para un enlace dichoso?

" This very hour 25 In Mitylene, Will not a young girl Say to her lover, Lifting her moon-white Arms to enlace him, 30 Ere the glad sigh comes, "Lo, it is lovetime!" C

18 examples of  enlacing  in sentences