1304 examples of enriches in sentences

Nor is it to be wondered at, my lords, that posts of honour and profit have been bestowed upon the friends of the administration; for who enriches or exalts his enemies?

How the Emperor enriches himself by the quarrels of his subjects.

Thus the People's Charter movement, beginning about 1838, was a signal failure, because from the practical side it involved no great principles of political economy, nothing that enriches a nation; and from the side of popular rights it was premature, crude, and represented no intelligent desire on the part of the people.

And so enriches you?

It enriches the whole human family.

Notice that this view is fatalistic; it makes opportunity an external thingone that enriches men or leaves their lives empty without much regard to what they deserve.

The code of rules by which Mr. Rapp manages his conscientious and devoted flock, and enriches a common treasury, must be little applicable to the dissimilar assemblage in question.

This happiness abiding in external joys, makes them joys, it enriches them, and prevents their becoming loathsome and disgusting; and this happiness is derived to every angel from the use he performs in his function, 6.

This at length encourages him to a presumptuous declaration of his sentiments; upon receiving a repulse, he looks abroad elsewhere, and enriches the Highbury society by uniting himself to a dashing young woman with as many thousands as are usually called ten, and a corresponding quantity of presumption and ill breeding.

What enriches a part enriches the whole, and the States are the best judges of their particular interest.

What enriches a part enriches the whole, and the States are the best judges of their particular interest.

What enriches a part enriches the whole, and the States are the best judges of their particular interest.

What enriches a part enriches the whole, and the States are the best judges of their particular interest.

The occasional overflow of the rivers greatly enriches and fertilizes the soil, to which, more than to their own industry (for they never manure their grounds, and are absolute strangers to the art of husbandry), are the Moors indebted for their plentiful crops of wheat, Turkey corn, rye, rice, oats, barley, and grain of all kinds.

Its date is 838, and it enriches the monastery of Conques, already existing, with certain lands at Fiacus (Figeac), which is thenceforward to be called New Conques; the motive of this gift being to extend to the monks those material advantages which a rich valley is able to afford, but which are not to be found in a stony gorge surrounded by barren hills.

Their existence blooms again in these violet-petals, glitters in the burnished beauty of these golden beetles, or enriches the veery's song.

He that shall solicit the favour of his patron by praising him for qualities which he can find in himself, will be defeated by the more daring panegyrist who enriches him with adscititious excellence.

It beautifies ladies, makes them young again, and even enriches them.

The moral that day for us kids was: read the Herald newspaper, it enriches your knowledge because it has got more news than advertisements compared to the other leading daily.

A pensive vein of contemporary reflection enriches the book with passages such as this: 'All the faults of the Italian people are whelmed in forgiveness as soon as their music sounds under the Italian sky.

The good business employs men, feeds them, clothes them, shelters them, generously distributes among them the goods that nourish life; the bad business contrives to levy tribute on the resources out of which they are fed and clad and nourished, and thus enriches itself by impoverishing the life of the multitude.

It irradiates every Metal, and enriches Lead with all the Properties of Gold.

The system of monopoly, which enriches the sovereign at the expense of the subject, speedily ends in ruin.

In comp., te. TETLAMACHTI, n. That which enriches, glorifies, or pleases.

The limitations of genius are consequently not so much limitations as the abrogation of limits in the ordinary sense; its originality of insight, interpretation, and expression broadens the human horizons and enriches the fields within them; it tells us what we may not have known or felt or guessed, but what we shall at last understand.

1304 examples of  enriches  in sentences