1554 examples of enthusiastic in sentences

She proceeded to develop her theme, speaking in ringing, enthusiastic tones, as if she loved the topic.

Miss Fanny's first movement, after dismounting, was to clasp Miss Redbud to her bosom with enthusiastic affection, as is the habit with young ladies upon public occasions; and then the fair equestrian recognized Verty's existence by a fascinating smile, which caused the unfortunate Ralph to gaze and sigh.

" To undeceive her, he brought people from far and near; every man declared that Jacinta was created to delight the eyes; even the women said as much, though they were less enthusiastic.

The circus parade had been held and witnessed by enthusiastic crowds lining the streets.

I can't help being surprised that Mr. H.B. IRVING should have been satisfied with so impossible a character as Stephen Pryde, though I need not add that he made most effective play with the terror of an evil conscience haunted by the vengeful dead, throwing away his consonants rather recklessly in the process and receiving the plaudits of an enthusiastic audience.

This generous and enthusiastic nobleman was a great accession to the American cause, from both a political and a military point of view, and always retained the friendship and confidence of Washington.

"My thoughts," he said, "are roving from girls to friends, from friends to court, and from court to Greece and Rome,"showing that enthusiastic, versatile temperament which then and afterwards characterized him.

Ecclesiastical architecture he was very fond of: he had visited nearly all the cathedrals and principal churches in England, and many on the Continent, and was most enthusiastic on their different styles and merits: his letters abound in critical remarks on them.

" "I remember the refreshments at your annual dances," said Hilda, politely enthusiastic.

Turkey has now the enthusiastic support of her Mussulman population.

On the 27th of May thirty thousand persons assembled in the Park at Buffalo, where Kossuth had a magnificently enthusiastic reception.

General Scott was enthusiastic in his expressions of admiration for the young Virginian; and with the death of that general, which his great age rendered a probable event at any moment, Lee was sure to become a candidate for the highest promotion in the service.

But it was in vain that he uttered enthusiastic exclamations, in vain that he called his attention to the persistence of the olives, the fig trees, and the thorn bushes in pushing through the rock; the life of the rock itself, that colossal and puissant frame of the earth, from which they could almost fancy they heard a sound of breathing arise.

He could not have been more enthusiastic if he had been making the sweetest music in the world.

We find an enthusiastic photographer expending plates on this familiar view, which is sold all over the town; but we do not dare to suggest that the prints, however successful, will be painfully hackneyed, and we go on rejoicing that the questions of stops and exposures need not trouble us, for the world is ablaze with colour.

We are young, enthusiastic, capable of glorious consecration.

So enthusiastic was she in her praises, that she had not observed the two contemplating her, and ere she was aware of their approach, the bewitching Winnie had taken her hand, and presenting Mr. Delwood, she mischievously remarked, "Now, Miss critic, it is for you to perform a la perfectione, and depend upon it, you shall be dealt with according to your own measure!

I remember, for instance, that one of the few undoubted classical scholars, in the old-fashioned sense, whom New England has seen,the late John Glen King of Salem,while speaking with very limited respect of the acquirements of Rufus Choate in this direction, and with utter contempt of those of Daniel Webster, always became enthusiastic on coming to Theodore Parker.

While most of his comrades in Virginia had been wasting their youth in horse-racing and cock-fighting, he had been an enthusiastic student of books and Nature.

Tiberius subdued them, having ravaged considerable of their territory and done much injury to its inhabitants; he had as enthusiastic allies the Scordisci, who were neighbors of theirs and similarly equipped.

To Augustus himself a sacred contest was offered in Neapolis, the Campanian city, nominally because he had helped it rise when it was prostrated by earthquake and by fire, but in reality because the inhabitants, alone of their neighbors, were enthusiastic over Greek customs; and he also received the title of Father, with, binding force (for previously he was merely spoken of by that name and no decree had been passed).

" Imlac now felt the enthusiastic fit and was proceeding to aggrandize his profession, when the prince cried out, "Enough, thou hast convinced me that no human being can ever be a poet.

She was obviously a young person of italics, a human exclamation-point, enthusiastic, irrepressible.

Great as was the pleasure of the ladies, the boys hardly felt enthusiastic over the news; they were so jolly as they were, that they feared any change would be for the worse.

We were greeted with the most enthusiastic demonstrations by my old friend La Grosse Américaine, who had removed here from Bellefontaine.

1554 examples of  enthusiastic  in sentences