151 examples of entirety in sentences

Arlequin Empereur dans la Lune had been published in its entirety eleven years previously (1684), but it was sufficiently popular for Gherardi to include various scenes therefrom in his collection.

Till the seventh century the ferial Office had no lessons and the Sunday Office had only three, all taken from the Bible, which was read in its entirety, yearly.

Do we say the Office in its entirety, being scrupulously careful not to omit the smallest part, and taking great care that a part that we should wish or try to say by heart shall not slip out of our recitation altogether or be mutilated? "Integre, ut de dicendis nihil omittant" (St. Bona., spec, discip., p. 1).

They will make sincere efforts to maintain or restore the unity of the Conservative party upon that question, in order that it may be the Conservative party itself in its entirety that undertakes and gives to the country its solution.

Renewed outburst of applause, in which the Social Democrats also joined.) "Gentlemen, you know your duty in its entirety.

In this sense we have drawn up the following scheme: "I. The security of German independence and the entirety of the German Empire, which implies the rejection of all annexation plans on the part of our opponents.

All the landmarks of the life of woman, in their entirety, are erected and dominated by the tides and currents, the phases of concentration and dilution, of the different internal secretions in the endocrine mixture which is the blood.

This is a human-readable summary of the legal code which may be found, in it's entirety, at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd-nc/1.0/legalcode.

Racey thought he saw the plan in its entirety, and was in a boil accordingly.

It looks rather genteel and stately outside; it has a good steeple, kept duly alive by a congregation of traditional jackdaws; it has a capital set of bells which have put in a good deal of overtime during the past five months, through a pressure of election business; and in its entirety, as Baines once remarked, the building looks like "a good ordinary Parish Church.

This is a human-readable summary of the legal code which may be found, in it's entirety, at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd-nc/1.0/legalcode.

This is a human-readable summary of the legal code which may be found, in it's entirety, at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd-nc/1.0/legalcode.

The Counter-Reformation preserved the institution itself in the Mediterranean lands, but it did not restore its old spiritual power in its entirety.

Whole N. whole, totality, integrity; totalness &c adj.^; entirety, ensemble, collectiveness^; unity &c 87; completeness &c 52; indivisibility, indiscerptibility^; integration, embodiment; integer.

Completeness N. completeness &c adj.; completion &c 729; integration; allness^. entirety; perfection &c 650; solidity, solidarity; unity; all; ne plus ultra [Lat.], ideal, limit.

Not since his exile had the Prophet performed in their entirety the rites of the Greater Pilgrimage.

Both ranges, brilliantly snow-crowned, are within view at the same time from various points, and the scenery in its entirety, with its continual changefulness and features of sublimity, can not be excelled.

He felt quite sure that they would tell him the emperor's plans in their entirety, and accordingly did not care that either they or Germanicus

When we realize in their entirety the mass of preparations which are required for the maintenance of our place among the Great Powers by the navy, we see that extraordinarily exacting demands will be made on the resources of our people.

But, it seems to me, we must, when judging the question as a whole, not merely calculate the concrete value of the objects of the exchange, but primarily its political range and its consequences for our policy in its entirety.

Knowledge in its entirety is not found in any one person.

A lack of sympathy with certain liturgical expressions, a fear of being hypocritical, of being believed to hold the orthodox position in its entirety, justifies a man in not entering the ministry of the Church, even if he desires on general grounds to do so, but these are paltry motives for cutting oneself off from communion with believers.

The result is that I find I can apprehend a book in a way that I have never apprehended one before, in its entirety; one can enter wholly and completely into the mind of an author, into the progress of a biography; so that to read a book now is like sitting out a play.

The idea of a new art based upon science, in opposition to the art of the old world that was based on imagination, an art that should explain all things and embrace modern life in its entirety, in its endless ramifications, be, as it were, a new creed in a new civilisation, filled me with wonder, and I stood dumb before the vastness of the conception, and the towering height of the ambition.

Its aim is to interpret the world in its entirety and complexity, its ideal is to harmonize the demands of common sense, the interests of science, the appeal of art, and the longing of religion into one coherent whole.

151 examples of  entirety  in sentences