120 examples of entree in sentences


BROILED OX-TAIL (an Entree).



Then they laid down, and couldn't march in the grand entree, and pa sent for a plumber to have the camels fixed with faucets.

he had but a 'small literary connection;' and the entree of the initiated ring is not obtained in a day. . . .

It's mesilf as heard it, and thin if ye'll look over the Baltimore papers, ye'll see her name Morgianna Lane, the daughter of Captain Felix Lane of Mariana, whose entree into society is to be the ninth, chaperoned by Madame Barnhart.

but on entree, that is closed with fyre brennynge; so that no man, that is mortalle, ne dar not entren.

V. have the entree; enter; go into, go in, come into, come in, pour into, pour in, flow into, flow in, creep into, creep in, slip into, slip in, pop into, pop in, break into, break in, burst into, burst in; set foot on; ingress; burst in upon, break in upon; invade, intrude; insinuate itself; interpenetrate, penetrate; infiltrate; find one's way into, wriggle into, worm oneself into. give entrance to &c (receive) 296; insert &c 300.

Reception N. reception; admission, admittance, entree, importation; introduction, intromission; immission^, ingestion, imbibation^, introception^, absorption, ingurgitation^, inhalation; suction, sucking; eating, drinking &c (food) 298; insertion &c 300; interjection &c 228; introit.

V. give entrance to, give admittance to, give the entree; introduce, intromit; usher, admit, receive, import, bring in, open the door to, throw in, ingest, absorb, imbibe, inhale, breathe in; let in, take in, suck in, draw in; readmit, resorb, reabsorb; snuff up, swallow, ingurgitate^; engulf, engorge; gulp; eat, drink &c (food) 298.

main course, entree.

[Fr.], ordinary, entree. meal, repast, feed, spread; mess; dish, plate, course; regale; regalement^, refreshment, entertainment; refection, collation, picnic, feast, banquet, junket; breakfast; lunch, luncheon; dejeuner [Fr.], bever^, tiffin^, dinner, supper, snack, junk food, fast food, whet, bait, dessert; potluck, table d'hote

He carried with him a complete telegraphic outfit and lost no opportunity to bring it to the notice of the different governments visited by him, and his official position gave him the entree everywhere.

Her soup had been determined upon and was off her mind, and she had prepared that morning, from some residuary viands, which would have been wasted had she not used them in this way, the little entree which was to follow.

This simultaneous entree of the Four Seasons would be a much more appropriate fancy for the opera stage than for Twickenham meadows.

His first entree into Vicenza had been a little theatrical, for such is the genius of his country.

It was whispered at the petit lever, confirmed at the grand entree, and was common gossip by the time that the king had returned from chapel.

"White wine with the entree and red wine with the roast," he muttered.

A genuine, raw, Guinea negro might have as well entered the Prince of Wales' Ball in New York bare-footed, and offered to play a voluntary on his banjo for the dancers, as this despised quadruped have hoped to obtain the entree to these grand and fashionable assemblies of the shorter-eared elite of society.

It comes in with no Lord Mayor's Day, and blows no trumpets, and bends no triumphal arches to grace its entree.

On reaching Newstead Abbey, I found, to my regret, that the entree to the public had been closed by the new proprietor, one, I was told, of the manufacturing gentry of the Manchester school.

Her employer had sent her to the house, telling her to obtain an entree by fair means or foul; and as she was well dressed and quiet in manner, she was not repulsed by an amiable hostess.

" I am wondering how you will meet what seems to me a more humiliating rôle, when you are sent out by an editor to gain an entree to some person who does not wish to be interviewed.

She also used her entree at Court to enable them to see the fountains at Versailles, which Winchester was to have surpassed but for King Charles's death.

120 examples of  entree  in sentences