53 examples of enuff in sentences

We'se got ter keep on eatin', an' we can't sleep enuff one night ter last fer a week,but I 'low it's jes' one o' de beautiful laws ob de Lord,de sun an' de moon an' de stars keeps a'goin over de same ground most continuous.

Ain't dat enuff 'cashun ter keep a poor cullered woman rejoicin' all de day long?

De Lord's reignin', dat's enuff fer me.

But we never hez enuff.

I'm sixty-nine years old cum Christmas an' I ain't never ben further away frum hum than twenty miles hand runnin', an' here's a chit like you done travelin' enuff ter last a lifetime.

It's good enuff fer us too.

An' Mr. John's whistle ez enuff ter put sunshine inter the Deluge!

Leave my name off'n your ticket for another term of offis, and there won't be enuff left in your old politikle carciss to grease a flap-jack griddle with.

That fowl done her level best and spread evry feather, but she hadent enuff elasticity to cover so much territory at one settin.

We believe SOOZAN B. ANTHONY, E. CADY STANTON, WENDIL FILLIPS, or Mister BLACKWELL, are just as capable of bein President of this ere old Union, as the best man which ever wore panterloons; and we air bound hensforth and forever, one and onseperable, to stand up for our rites, if we can only rope in enuff Congressmen to hold our bonnits.

War work is what wimmen do when their arnt enuff men.

I haven't got the time right now to tell yuh jest how I learned that my foxes was agoin' tuh be in danger; somebody I knew wrote me a letter, and warned me, which'll have tuh be enuff jest now tuh explain.

Sayin which he gives the door bell a yank, which was enuff to pull the roof off from over our heads.

[* A Highland game-keeper, when asked why a certain terrier, of singular pluck, was so much more solemn than the other dogs, said, "Oh, Sir, life's full o' sairiousness to himhe just never can get enuff

A Comanche ain't a touch to 'em, and I've never yet seed a white man smart enuff to beat 'em.

"That means 'look out,' plain enuff, don't it?" asked Jerry.

"Mather enuff, God knows!

"Faith," said he, "don't I know well enuff?

"You've been up stars often enuff to know de waygo long wid you, gal, and don't be botherin' me, 'case I don't feel like bein' botherednow, mind I tell yer.

"Dere is enuff things in dere nowput 'em down here on this entry table, or dere, long side de knife-Boardany wheres but in de kitchen.

if thiss be troo i am candied enuff to tell you ass i caunt wate so long my deerast deer, o yu ave brock mi art!

So I took him parst the grand room in which the Wedding Gests was assembled, and there sure enuff, he seed such a collection of smiling bewty, as ewidently made a great impression on his 's Art, and one speshally lovely Bridesmade gave him a look, as he passed by, as ewidently went rite thro it.

Ah, of course it isn't for a poor old Hed Waiter to presume to adwise young and hemenent swells, but my xperiense of uman life teaches me, as the werry werry appiest time of a man's life is from 30 to about 40, perwided as he has been lucky enuff to secure for hisself a yung, bewtifool, good-tempered, helegant, and ercomplished Bride, to, as the Poet says, harve his sorrows, and dubble his joys.

But he promptly replied, "Yis, but owd Edwards were a soight too cliver; he were that mean he slew nobbutt a wankling cauf as were bound to deny anny road; if he had nobbutt tekken his best cauf it wud hev worked reight enuff; 'tain't in reason that owd skrat 'ud be hanselled wi' wankling draffle.

"Ye used to be peart enuff before."

53 examples of  enuff  in sentences