12 examples of enumerators in sentences


But he was none the less a striking personage to these simple fisherfolk of the great Yukon Delta, who, all their lives, had stared out on Bering Sea and in that time seen but two white men,the census enumerator and a lost Jesuit priest.

When the census of 1880 was taken, the place was of no importance, and received very little attention at the hands of the enumerators.

And even the percentages I have mentioned do not adequately represent the ignorance of the masses of the people, because more than half of those returned by the census enumerators as literates cannot read understandingly a connected sentence in a book or newspaper and can only write their own names.

An explanation appearing in the corresponding volume of the census report for 1910 shows the great difficulties that enumerators and statisticians experience in getting at exact facts, wherever the situation is both complex and confused.

In a Progressive Little City claiming about twice the Population that the Census Enumerators could uncover, there was a Literary Club.

Nor is the "First Census of the United States" any criterion in this regard, for the obvious reason that the enumerators made no returns of unmarried persons.

There were employed in the taking of the Eleventh Census 42,000 enumerators, 2,000 clerks, from 800 to 900 special agents, 175 supervisors and 25 experts.

2.] [Footnote 7: Great importance should not be attached to these figures for they contain errors resulting from the inexact notions of inexperienced enumerators as to what constitutes unemployment, and from the inclusion of all persons gainfully employed, whether self-employed or in professional, salaried, or wage-earning positions.]

But he was none the less a striking personage to these simple fisherfolk of the great Yukon Delta, who, all their lives, had stared out on Bering Sea and in that time seen but two white men,the census enumerator and a lost Jesuit priest.

I am enumerator of the 16th district, and have to instruct the other (fifteen) enumerators of our Bavykin Section.

I am enumerator of the 16th district, and have to instruct the other (fifteen) enumerators of our Bavykin Section.

12 examples of  enumerators  in sentences