Do we say envelop or envelope

envelop 100 occurrences

He heard the merry hum of the bees at work and the strident call of the locusts, mingled with the distant neighing of horses and the soft lowing of the cows, but all the sweetness of nature was powerless to lift the gloom which seemed to envelop him as in a shroud.

She felt his understanding to envelop her little spirit with a soft and clear penetration, and that nothing she did or said could ever be misconceived more.

From the safe shelter of the bush the enemy reconnoitred their assailants, and taking courage from their small numbers, proceeded to envelop them by a flank movement.

Its two windows, distinguished by eternally half-drawn blinds of yellow, looked out upon the veranda, permitting a decorous gloom to envelop the sacred precincts.

An eerie stillness seemed to envelop the room like a linseed poultice.

Of course the fire which seemed to envelop the young magician was instantly put out when he leaped into the tank.

So it came to pass that, as the Revolution took its shape, a vast combination among the antique species came semi-automatically into existence, pledged to envelop and strangle the rising type of man, a combination, however, which only attained to maturity in 1793, after the execution of the King.

The passports, mysterious scratches in Turkish, did not arrive until the last minute, and with them came the chief, the great Bedri Bey himself a strong man and a mysterious one, pale, inscrutable, with dark, brooding eyes and velvety manners, calculated to envelop even a cup of coffee and a couple of boiled eggs in an air of sinister romance.

He came back presently with a legal envelop, and his face was blank and half uncomprehending.

They knew how short a time it would be before some ache, some pain, some chance word, would bring his mortality home to him again, and envelop him once more in those superstitious terrors which took the place of religion in his mind.

And they seemed to envelop her in a flash of cerulean light.

Only when scores of officers have written their reminiscences shall we have the full story of those last days of August, when a little army which was exhausted after many battles staggered hard away from the menace of enormous odds seeking to envelop it.

And the lad's imagination, hasty and illogical in its decisions, used to envelop his godfather in a halo of historic interest, similar to that of the conquerors.

" Ferragut instantly forgot all his irritation in order to listen to her and envelop her in the adoring light of his eyes.

In the middle of a summer night the people in the neighborhood perceived a luminous cloud that seemed wholly to envelop the mountain.

"Stripped of the beautiful romance with which we have been so long willing to envelop him, transferred from the inviting pages of the novelist to the localities where we are compelled to meet with him in his native village, on the warpath, and when raiding upon our frontier settlements and lines of travel, the Indian forfeits his claim to the appellation of the 'noble red man'" (12).

As we envelop our sight and hearing, so the earth-soul envelops us, and the star-soul the earth-soul, untilwhat?

Why should we envelop our many with the 'one' that brings so much poison in its train?

I unfolded my paper and proceeded to envelop myself in the usual way.

" Even through the terrible scorching heat which seemed to envelop my body I realized that Lillian, as always, was dominating the situation.

" There are three movements or inflections of the hand which must be pointed out: to hover, to insinuate, to envelop.

A kind of bronze mist seemed to envelop her head, as the dull-tawny sunset light fell on her from those broad windows.

If, on the other hand, they prove sound, some of the mists which at present envelop the figure of Giorgione will have been dispersed.

Near the close of the war he was wounded on the Weldon road, along which Grant was extending his left wing to envelop Petersburg.

In the olden story the bards relate with great gusto every phase of attack and defense during cruise and raid, describe every blow given and received, and spare us none of carnage, or lurid flames which envelop both enemies and ships in common ruin.

envelope 1360 occurrences

He gave Railton the envelope, adding: "It's a loan.

"As the bard puts it: "'Annihilating all that's made To a green thought in a green shade.'" "Wait a minute," said the visitor, and made a note on an envelope-back.

The first is an elastic dress, fitting close to the figure down to the ankles; the other is an entire envelope, disclosing scarcely more than one eye to the most scrutinizing observer.

He turned pale to see Maud's monogram on the envelope of a letter that had arrived during his absence; paler still, when from this letter a thin slip of stamped paper fluttered to the floorwhite to the very lips while he read the sharp, decisive, cruel lines that accounted for its presence in the missive, and that bade him relinquish at a word all the hope and happiness of his life.

The envelope evidently had told her nothing.

But in the book about women she found an envelope addressed: "To one looking for trouble.

Sylvia opened her envelope, spread out the folded sheet of paper, and read what was scrawled on it, with no realization of the meaning.

"Yes, there is a telegram for you," said the steward, holding out a sealed envelope to her.

" She took the envelope, but was unable to open it.

The man looked at the envelope comprehendingly: "Ohbad news" he murmured.

He made an inquiry as to names, and handed Sylvia an envelope.

she said, "it would be the easiest thing in the world for her to send this envelope enclosed in one to some friend in San Francisco, who would re-direct it for her.

I dwell a little on these matters, because I want to fix it firmly in your mind that the man who pays the wages must put more in the weekly envelope than money, if he wants to get his full money's worth.

The early Christians had a very vivid faith, that, when the soul dropped its outer envelope of flesh, it continued to exist in a spiritual form.

" Mrs. Pullen broke the envelope, and after a somewhat lengthy search for her pocket, fumbled therein for her spectacles.

Maggie drew the letter from the envelope and slowly unfolded it.

He convinced himself, by long and patient researches, that the luminous envelope of the great "orb of day" was neither a liquid nor an elastic fluid; that it was in certain respects analogous to the clouds which wreathe our mountain-summits and fertilize our plains; that it floated in the solar atmosphere.

The matter of the semi-annular envelope seemed even to be precipitated by slow degrees through the diaphanous atmosphere; finally, it reached the nucleus; the earlier appearances vanished; the comet was reduced to a globular nebula.

She slipped the packet of notes inside, and shut it again quickly with a queer little twist of the heart as she caught sight of the envelope containing the cigarette which once he had drawn from between her lips.

With a gesture of inexpressible disgust, regretted the next moment, as I reflected that, to bring me this letter, he might be overstepping common rules, I raised the envelope to the light and recognized, to my intense disappointment, the well-known characters of Bainrothe'ssmall, rigid, neat, constrained.

After the first moment of bewilderment I opened the already-fastened letterclosed, as was the fashion of the day, without envelope, and sealed originally with wax, of which a few fragments still remained alone.

Now comes a letter (a paper envelope accompanying it)Bertie La Vigne has entered the Catholic Church, through baptism and confirmation, so briefly states the letter written in her own hand and of date some months back, retained; no doubt, through forgetfulness, until reminded.

Without much interest she withdrew it from the envelope, saw it to be unimportant, and returned it after the briefest inspection.

Mrs. Poynsett thought it well to interrupt by handing in an envelope franked by Sir Robert Peel; but Cecil at once declared that the writing was different from that which Bee already owned.

Indeed, it had been but a half consent on the part of either, elicited only by the dire alternative of exposure; the envelope and letter were destroyed, and Vivian carried off the cheque to some of the Jews with whom he had had only too many transactions, and they never met him again.

Do we say   envelop   or  envelope