2644 examples of envelopes in sentences

| ENVELOPES | | Ever offered to the Public.

| | | | They have made all the pre-paid Envelopes for the United | |States Post-Office Department for the past 16 years, and have | | INVARIABLY BEEN THE LOWEST BIDDERS.

There were letters for methe kind that always come to the theatrebut I couldn't read them, after I had occupied myself with tearing open the envelopes.

But to-night she only realized that he had come and gone when, happening to glance toward the caisse, she saw Sofia shuffling the half-dozen envelopes which had been left with her.

| | | | They have made all the pre-paid Envelopes for the United | |

It had been folded in the clumsy old way which was customary before the invention of envelopes; the part of the page containing the address had been torn out.

| | | | They have made all the pre-paid Envelopes for the United | |

| | | | They have made all the pre-paid Envelopes for the United | |

There were note-paper and envelopes, and ink and blotting-paper, all ready, if some day, by a miraclewho could tell?she might steal into that room and want to leave a message.

Boys keep bringing telegrams in orange envelopes.

To touch the past with one's hands is realized only in dreams, and in Morocco the dream-feeling envelopes one at every step.

It shall not be lawful for any employer in paying his employees the salary or wages due them to inclose their pay in "pay envelopes" upon which there is written or printed any political mottoes, devices, or arguments containing threats, express or implied, intended or calculated to influence the political opinions or actions of such employees.

After eight weeks without earning a penny, her husband had obtained the job of addressing five hundred envelopes, to be done at home and speedily.

Then, to escape thanks, he shouted out, 'Where's these blessed envelopes, and where's the addresses?

All right, just leave me this corner of the table and don't speak to me as long as I sit here.' Between half-past nine and half-past twelve, at the rate of eighty an hour, he addressed all but half the five hundred envelopes.

"They are remarkably bare of leaves when in bloom," was the reply: "the leaves burst forth from their envelopes as the blossoms pass away; but how beautiful the blossoms are!


(Cabinets containing note paper and envelopes) © 2Oct22, Label 25275, Label 25279.

Catalog & hand-book, specialized, of the postage stamps and envelopes of the Confederate States of America.

Catalog & hand-book, specialized, of the postage stamps and envelopes of the Confederate States of America.

Catalog & hand-book, specialized, of the postage stamps and envelopes of the Confederate States of America.

"We've taught you a lesson, young man," sneered Camp, as after opening the envelopes, to assure himself that the proxies were all right, he tucked them into his pocket.

The work was done on piece wages, and the girls at first protested against the nine-hour day, fearing that their pay envelopes would suffer.

Macgregor thereupon got his pad and envelopes (a gift from Miss Tod), squatted on his bed, and proceeded to gnaw his pencil.

Albeit I know the trivial causes for which people employ the telegraph-wires nowadays, I never can get over my primal deadly fear of those yellow envelopes, that seem emblems and messengers of battle, murder, and sudden death.

2644 examples of  envelopes  in sentences