Do we say envision or envisage

envision 1 occurrences

"I can follow the diagrams pretty well now, and I think I understand how one part connects to another, but I can't envision how any part of it could have burned out.

envisage 20 occurrences

I could not envisage the future, and so was mercifully enabled to look only to the moment.

Consider these words: wise, wiseacre, wisdom, wizard, witch, wit, unwitting, to wit, outwit, twit, witticism, witness, evidence, providence, invidious, advice, vision, visit, vista, visage, visualize, envisage, invisible, vis-à-vis, visor, revise, supervise, improvise, proviso, provision, view, review, survey, vie, envy, clairvoyance.

There are possibilities the imagination may envisage.

No need to be gravely concerned about that: to envisage the contingency was to be prepared against it.

" "What does he look?" Ann's small hands made an expressive gesture which seemed to envisage something long and lean.

Can you picture Ephraim Tutt with his hair cut short or in an Ascot tie, any more than you can envisage him in riding breeches or wearing lilacs?

I could envisage the scene.

And one could readily envisage the effect of that sort of thing on a girl of romantic mind.

Well, then, let's just try to envisage.

I am not satisfied that the housewife does not envisage the utility of a sixth pound of sugar as something distinct from the utility of the other five; she may buy it, for example, with the definite object of giving the children some sugar on their bread, and she may have a very clear idea as to the price which sugar must not exceed before she will do any such thing.

It is therefore natural and convenient to envisage the problems, which we shall consider in this chapter, as problems concerning the price and rent of land.

But when in this way the issue is raised of tillage versus pasture, it is essential, if we are to discuss it rationally, that we should envisage it clearly as applying only to a limited portion of agricultural land, to the portion which lies somewhere near the margin of transference, as things are now, between the two forms of agriculture.

First, it is necessary to envisage distinctly the promising though risky opportunity, and this calls not infrequently for imagination of a none too common order.

The number of individuals who are in a position to envisage a business opportunity, and to assess with some confidence the chances of success and failure is very limited.

If one could envisage so awful a thing as a community made up entirely of super-men, one might concede that here also the human scale might be exceeded without danger of catastrophe.

In order to envisage the future of Ypres, it is necessary to get a clear general conception of the damage done to it.

I too have strolled like that in London town, Demanding homage from the very bricks I Pressed with my shoes of scintillating brown; But never till I tried the fair corrective Of seeing khaki from a civvy suit Could I envisage in its true perspective That common circumstance, a Second-Loot.

In truth, the one thing that the church needs to-day is to envisage this task,to take in its tremendous dimensions; to comprehend the overpowering magnitude of the work that is expected of her.

All alike might be called spirits,' says Dr. Codrington, but, ex hypothesi, the Beings 'who never were human' are only called 'spirits,' by us, because our habits of thought do not enable us to envisage them except as 'spirits.'

He began to envisage what these highly trained women of the upper class, these raffinées of the world, may be for those who understand thema stimulus, an enigma, an education.

Do we say   envision   or  envisage