Do we say epigram or epigraph

epigram 366 occurrences

" This facetious epigram was duly relished, and the sage was turning his toasted side from the fire to present the other, when the clatter of a horse coming up the hillside sent the group scouring toward their guns, stacked near the unfinished walls.

"It's simple enougha home-made epigram.

AN EPIGRAM Whoever has recourse to thee Can hope for health no more, He's launched into perdition's sea, A sea without a shore.

"De Chauxville, you love an epigram.

The "Rubáiyát" is, on the other hand, a string of quatrains, each of which has all the complete and independent significance of an epigram.

Yet there is so little of that lightness which should characterize an epigram that we can scarcely put Omar in the same category with Martial, and it is easy to understand why the author should have been contented to name his book the "Rubáiyát," or Quatrains, leaving it to each individual to make, if he chooses, a more definite description of the work.

He observes, very justly, that the odes, both of Dryden and Pope, conclude, unsuitably and unnaturally, with epigram.

Obvious as this is, it has not been sufficiently present to the mind of critics who have called for plain, familiar, and concrete diction, as if that alone could claim to be simple; who have demanded a style unadorned by the artifices of involution, cadence, imagery, and epigram, as if Simplicity were incompatible with these; and have praised meagreness, mistaking it for Simplicity.

[10] Sir J. Harington has an epigram upon the paper war between Harvey and Nash.

Hamlet here makes a solemn epigram.

Amid the splendid confusion of pathos, irony, passion, mockery, keen wit, and brilliant epigram, which display Byron's versatile and spontaneous genius at its height, there are some beautiful and powerful passages.

Ben-Zayb felt jealous and to utter another epigram that might annoy Padre Camorra a little said, "It smells of the Church.

A verse or some such work he may sometimes get up to, but seldom above the stature of an epigram, and that with some relief out of Martial, which is the ordinary companion of his pocket, and he reads him as he were inspired.

y, that are indeed the physicians' hangman, carnifices, and common executioners; though to say truth, physicians themselves come not far behind; for according to that facete epigram of Maximilianus Urentius, what's the difference?

Beroaldus hath expressed all this in an epigram of his: "Dogmata divini memorant si vera Platonis, Sunt geminae Veneres, et geminatus amor.

In another place, speaking of an epigram which Martial had composed in praise of him, [4580]"He gave me as much as he might, and would have done more if he could: though what can a man give more than honour, glory, and eternity?"

Abandoned as Mattakesa was, she could not keep herself from blushing a little at sight of him; but soon recovering herself by the help of her natural audacity,Well, Horatio, said she, what do you think of the little French epigram I put into your hands yesterday;has it not a very agreeable point?

[t] See Scaliger's epigram on this subject, (communicated, without doubt, by Dr. Johnson,) Gent.

See Boswell, i. 126, where is, likewise, preserved an epigram, by Johnson, on Colley Cibber and George the second, whose illiberal treatment of artists and learned men was a constant theme of his execration.

[a] When Johnson had composed this Greek epigram to Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, he said, in a letter to Cave, "I think she ought to be celebrated in as many different languages as Louis le grand."

The above is a version of a Latin epigram on the famous John duke of Marlborough, by the abbé Salvini, which is as follows: Haud alio vultu fremuit Mars acer in armis: Haud alio Cypriam percutit ore deam.


* Epigram on Sir Pp Fns being bit by a cobracappo: A serpent bit F s, that virulent knight; What then?

And so far as epigram and aphorism are concerned, and here I speak with absolute sincerity and conviction, the work of the novelist seems to me richer than that of the dramatist.

Speaking of Vautrin she says, "His look frightens me as if he put his hand on my dress"; and another epigram from the same book, "Woman's virtue is man's greatest invention."

epigraph 7 occurrences

The answer was conveyed to him in 1852; and the sentence serves as epigraph to the present life of his associate and victim, Facundo Quiroga.

[means of recognition: tool] diagnostic, divining rod; detector. sign, symbol; index, indice^, indicator; point, pointer; exponent, note, token, symptom; dollar sign, dollar mark. type, figure, emblem, cipher, device; representation &c 554; epigraph, motto, posy. gesture, gesticulation; pantomime; wink, glance, leer; nod, shrug, beck; touch, nudge; dactylology^, dactylonomy^; freemasonry, telegraphy, chirology

The bad taste and impertinence of this epigraph are often enhanced by the slightness of the work or the gift which it commemorates.

[Greek epigraph: Ta de panta elenchoumena hupo tou photos phaneroutai pan gar to phaneroumenon phos estin.

Thyrza, at any rate, is a most exquisite picture in half-tones of grey and purple of a little Madonna of the slums; she is in reality the belle fleur d'un fumier of which he speaks in the epigraph of the Nether World.

and, in obedience to your epigraph, "when found make a note of it," he has made a note of it at the foot of page 7, of The Companion to the Almanac for 1850,eccola: "The following will show that a palpable absurdity will pass before the eyes of generations of men of letters without notice.

Who could have imagined that "bag o' nails," was a corruption of the Bacchanals, which it evidently is from the rude epigraph still subjoined to the fractured classicism of the title?

Do we say   epigram   or  epigraph