8 examples of epigraph in sentences

The answer was conveyed to him in 1852; and the sentence serves as epigraph to the present life of his associate and victim, Facundo Quiroga.

[means of recognition: tool] diagnostic, divining rod; detector. sign, symbol; index, indice^, indicator; point, pointer; exponent, note, token, symptom; dollar sign, dollar mark. type, figure, emblem, cipher, device; representation &c 554; epigraph, motto, posy. gesture, gesticulation; pantomime; wink, glance, leer; nod, shrug, beck; touch, nudge; dactylology^, dactylonomy^; freemasonry, telegraphy, chirology

The bad taste and impertinence of this epigraph are often enhanced by the slightness of the work or the gift which it commemorates.


[Greek epigraph: Ta de panta elenchoumena hupo tou photos phaneroutai pan gar to phaneroumenon phos estin.

Thyrza, at any rate, is a most exquisite picture in half-tones of grey and purple of a little Madonna of the slums; she is in reality the belle fleur d'un fumier of which he speaks in the epigraph of the Nether World.

and, in obedience to your epigraph, "when found make a note of it," he has made a note of it at the foot of page 7, of The Companion to the Almanac for 1850,eccola: "The following will show that a palpable absurdity will pass before the eyes of generations of men of letters without notice.

Who could have imagined that "bag o' nails," was a corruption of the Bacchanals, which it evidently is from the rude epigraph still subjoined to the fractured classicism of the title?

8 examples of  epigraph  in sentences