236 examples of eradicate in sentences

<Destroy, demolish, raze, annihilate, exterminate, eradicate, extirpate, obliterate.

In the infant state of society, when simplicity of manners characterised the pursuits of mankind, medical assistance was little wanted; but when the nature of man degenerated, and vice and luxury corrupted his habits of innocence and temperance, diseases sprung up which those aids alone could check or eradicate.

This ingrained impulse the ages have been unable to eradicate.

Emily was much relieved by this postponement of an interview which she would gladly have avoided for ever; and her aunt sincerely rejoiced that her niece was allowed more time to eradicate impressions, which, she saw with pain, her charge had yet a struggle to overcome.

You cannot eradicate evil by ignoring it.

They both have faults which time may eradicate, and as at present they are not disposed to be hypercritical they ought to get along nicely together.

Hence the first thing for a good man to do was to bring the bodythis seat of evilunder subjection, and, if possible, to eradicate the passions and appetites which enslave the body; and this was to be done by self-flagellations, penances, austerities, and solitude,flight from the contaminating influences of the world.

We ought then to eradicate these bad opinions, and to this end we should direct all our efforts.

It would be a great advantage to a young man if his early training could eradicate the idea that the world has a great deal to offer him.

No surplices, no libraries, no counting-house desks can eradicate this natural instinct.

He saw Miss Milner's heart at the first view of her person, and beholding in that little circumference a weight of folly that he wished to eradicate, he began to toil in the vineyard, eagerly courting her detestation of him in the hope of also making her abominate herself.

For my Part I must confess, I could never have any Regard to that Sect of Philosophers, who so much insisted upon an absolute Indifference and Vacancy from all Passion; for it seems to me a Thing very inconsistent for a Man to divest himself of Humanity, in order to acquire Tranquility of Mind, and to eradicate the very Principles of Action, because its possible they may produce ill Effects.

The purpose of this was to eradicate the observance of the Christian Sunday.

The case was serious, too, for if that notion of her once got fairly planted in the minds of her public, it would be almost impossible to eradicate it.

But when properly used it can save the country from, laws that if once enacted would sow seeds of disaster very hard to eradicate; and it has repeatedly done so.

If it fail to do so, the disgrace falls equally upon the whole race of mortals as on themselves; because it proves that no more favorable conditions of existence would eradicate our vices and weaknesses.

"An author may injure his works by altering, and even amending, the successive editions: the first impression sinks the deepest, and with the credulous it can rarely be effaced; nay, he will be vainly employed who endeavours to eradicate it.

Joan refuses indignantly on the ground that his views and conduct are opposed to those which as a member of a Suffrage Society she is pledged to eradicate.

Every physical defect in a man, any deviation from the type, a woman may, with regard to the child, eradicate if she is faultless in these parts herself or excels in a contrary direction.

We now come to those other relative considerations which depend on each individual trying to eradicate, through the medium of another, his weaknesses, deficiencies, and deviations from the type, in order that they may not be perpetuated in the child that is to be born or develop into absolute abnormities.

the morals of Hebert were pure when he outraged humanity in his accusations of the Queenthey were pure when he prostrated the stupid multitude at the feet of a Goddess of Reason;* they were pure while his execrable paper served to corrupt the army, and to eradicate every principle which yet distinguished the French as a civilized people.

the morals of Hebert were pure when he outraged humanity in his accusations of the Queenthey were pure when he prostrated the stupid multitude at the feet of a Goddess of Reason;* they were pure while his execrable paper served to corrupt the army, and to eradicate every principle which yet distinguished the French as a civilized people.

We of the colleges must eradicate a curious notion which numbers of good people have about such ancient seats of learning as Harvard.

It must tincture, modify, and mitigate where it cannot eradicate or transform.

Nay, more: not only is the matter indifferent, but it is the secret of Art to 'eradicate the matter by means of the form,'"phrases and statements like these meet us everywhere in current criticism of literature and the other arts.

236 examples of  eradicate  in sentences