82 examples of erebus in sentences

A trail was made through it about the time of the Mono gold excitement, in the year 1858, by adventurous miners and prospectorsmen who would build a trail down the throat of darkest Erebus on the way to gold.

Leaving England in May, 1845, in command of the Erebus and Terror, with a body of the most staunch and experienced seamen, he sailed into the Arctic Seas.

Five years later was discovered the place in which the Erebus and Terror had first wintered; but it was left for Dr. John Rae to find out from the Esquimaux in 1854 that the ships had been crushed in the ice, and that Franklin and his companions had died of fatigue and starvation.

Chronometers from Erebus and Terror.

The document contained two statements, one written in 1846, mentioning that Sir John Franklin and all were well; and a second, written in 1848, to say that they had been obliged to abandon the Erebus and Terror, that Sir John Franklin had died in June, 1847, and that they had already lost nine officers and fifteen men.

Mount Erebus, a volcano 12,400 feet high, of the first class in dimensions and energetic action, rises at once from the ocean in the seventy-eighth degree of south latitude, and abreast of the Diatomaceoe bank, which reposes in part on its base.

Hence it may not appear preposterous to conclude that, as Vesuvius receives the waters of the Mediterranean, with its fish, to eject them by its crater, so the subterranean and subaqueous forces which maintain Mount Erebus in activity may occasionally receive organic matter from the bank, and disgorge it, together with those volcanic products, ashes and pumice.

In the Gulf of Erebus and Terror, fifteen degrees north of Victoria Land, and placed on the opposite side of the globe, the soundings were of a similar nature with those of the Victoria Land and Barrier, and the sea and ice as full of Diatomaceoe.

They made me feel as if there might be constituted a creature with such a chord in her voice to some string in another's soul, that, if she but spoke, he would leave all and follow her, though it were into the jaws of Erebus.

Cimmerian darkness^, Stygian darkness, Egyptian darkness; night; midnight; dead of night, witching hour of night, witching time of night; blind man's holiday; darkness visible, darkness that can be felt; palpable obscure; Erebus [Lat.]; the jaws of darkness [Midsummer Night's Dream]; sablevested night

Here we are; but it's dark as Erebus.

I don't put myself in the same line with the rest, you see.... Been quite 'grouty' all the vacation, 'black as Erebus.'

Facing p. 126 Mount Terror and its Glaciers 126 The Royal Society Mountains of Victoria LandTelephoto Study from Cape Evans 284 Mount Erebus and Glaciers to the Turk's Head 284

A great embankment of morainic material with ice beneath, once part of the glacier, on the lowest slopes of Erebus at the landward end of C. Evans.

At 8.30 we sighted Mount Erebus, distant about 115 miles; the sky is covered with light cumulus and an easterly wind has sprung up, force 2 to 3.

We are only 24 miles from C. Crozier and the land is showing up well, though Erebus is veiled in stratus cloud.

The Bay on the north side of Erebus is much deeper than shown on the chart.

Ponting is simply entranced with this view of Mt. Erebus, and with the two bergs in the foreground and some volunteers he works up foregrounds to complete his picture of it.

Cape Evans is one of the many spurs of Erebus and the one that stands closest under the mountain, so that always towering above us we have the grand snowy peak with its smoking summit.

Then calls on potent Hecate, renown'd In Heav'n above, and Erebus profound.

They were of unusual length, and blackat any rate, seen against that golden haze, they appeared black as Erebus.

EREBUS, a region of utter darkness in the depths of Hades, into which no mortal ever penetrated, the proper abode of Pluto and his Queen with their train of attendants, such as the Erinnyes, through which the spirits of the dead must pass on their way to Hades; equivalent to the valley of the shadow of death.

"With the obscurity of Erebus!" said, very deliberately, a fat student in a blouse.

The shield that to you is white, to me is black as Erebus.

"Dark as Erebus," he muttered, "and on such a night!

82 examples of  erebus  in sentences