44 examples of eris in sentences

Tu meliora paras victrix Medicina; tuusque, Pestis quae superat cuncta, triumphus eris

chacun est l'artisan de sa fortune [Fr.]; donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos

"Ut vivat castor, sibi testes amputat ipse; Tu quoque siqua nocent, abjice, tutus eris.

Twas so of old, and ever will be, and which Tiresias advised Ulysses in the poet,Accipe qua ratione queas ditescere, &c., is still in use; lie, flatter, and dissemble: if not, as he concludes,Ergo pauper eris, then go like a beggar as thou art.

[5604]Cedit amor rebus; res, age tutus eris.

sed fuge tutus eris.

Say thy pleasure, and counterfeit as thou wilt, as Parmeno told Thais, Neque tu uno eris contenta, "one man will never please thee;" nor one woman many men.

of an enthusiastical prisoner, (all out as probable as that of Eris Armenius, in Plato's tenth dialogue de Repub.

ra es et in ram ram ram i i Mox eris quod ego nunc.

Mox eris quod ego nunc.

Tu quoque Marcellus eris!

[Footnote 1: Ubi visus eris nostra medicabilis arte Fac monitis fugias otia prima meis.

Semper, eris pauper si pauper es, Aemiliane: Dantur opes nullis nunc nisi divitibus.

Quemquam posse putas mores narrare futuros? Die mihi, si fias tu leo, qualis eris?

[Footnote 91: This remark (as Cobet pointed out) is evidently a perversion of an old nursery jingle (nenia): Si male faxis vapulabis, si bene faxis rex eris.

And another form of it is found in Horace, Epistles (I, 1, 59-60): at pueri ludentes 'rex eris' aiunt 'si recte fades.'

"Some nouns have a double increase, that is, increase by more syllables than one; as, iter, itin~eris.

"Some nouns have a double increase; that is, they increase by more syllables than one: as iter, itin~eris."Adam et al. cor.

R71889, 22Dec50, Henri Hirchmann (A) ERIS, by Robert W. Chambers.

Addison. 'Dic mi hi si fueris tu leo qualis eris?' Mart.

[Footnote 1: Ubi visus eris nostra medicabilis arte Fac monitis fugias otia prima meis.

Si quis Deus, en ego dicat, Jam faciam quod vultis: eris tu, qui modo miles, Mercator: tu consultus modo, rusticus.

At, tu quisquis eris, miseri qui cruda poetae Credideris fletu funera digna tuo, Haec postrema tibi sit flendi causa, fluatque Lenis inoffenso vitaque morsque gradu.

A`RÉS, the Greek god of war in its sanguinary aspects; was the son of Zeus and Hera; identified by the Romans with Mars, was fond of war for its own sake, and had for sister Eris, the goddess of strife, who used to pander to his passion.

ERIS, the Greek goddess of strife or discord, sowing the seeds thereof among the gods to begin with, which she has since continued to do among men.

44 examples of  eris  in sentences