265 examples of esprit in sentences

A quack who peddles a valuable remedy upon which he may have stumbled, and yet refuses to disclose its ingredients for the benefit of the whole medical fraternity, violates the esprit du corps of the profession, and is by general consent deemed a fit person to be kicked out of it.

Barney, you're crazythere's no such officer in the armyI know all the namesyou mean General Banks, don't you?" "Oh, no, I'm not mistakenGeneral Bacchus has been selected to deal out the esprit de corps!" "L'esprit de corps?

No fellow-feeling, no esprit de corps.

Wit N. wit, humor, wittiness; sense of humor; attic wit, attic salt; atticism^; salt, esprit, point, fancy, whim, drollery, pleasantry. farce, buffoonery, fooling, tomfoolery; shenanigan [U.S.], harlequinade &c 599 [Obs.]; broad farce, broad humor; fun, espieglerie [Fr.]; vis comica

Humorist N. humorist, wag, wit, reparteeist^, epigrammatist, punster; bel esprit, life of the party; wit-snapper, wit-cracker, wit- worm; joker, jester, Joe Miller^, drole de corps^, gaillard^, spark; bon diable [Fr.]; practical joker. buffoon, farceur

Sociality N. sociality, sociability, sociableness &c adj.; social intercourse; consociation^; intercourse, intercommunity^; consortship^, companionship, comradeship; clubbism^; esprit de corps.

There are two natural divisions of the subjectthe honor of women and the honor of men, in either side issuing in a well-understood esprit de corps.

To carry out this plan, women have to band together with a show of esprit de corps, and present one undivided front to their common enemy, man,who possesses all the good things of the earth, in virtue of his superior physical and intellectual power,in order to lay siege to and conquer him, and so get possession of him and a share of those good things.

This is a result, however, which can be obtained only by a strict observance of the rule; and, accordingly, women everywhere show true esprit de corps in carefully insisting upon its maintenance.

Once this esprit de corps is acknowledged to be the foundation of female honor, and is seen to be a wholesome, nay, a necessary arrangement, as at bottom a matter of prudence and interest, its extreme importance for the welfare of women will be recognized.

This confirms the view I have taken, that a man's honor originates in esprit de corps.

All knights were mounted in war (Fig. 16); but knights who were made so in consequence of their high birth must not be confounded with those who became knights by some great feat in arms in the house of a prince or high noble, nor with the members of the different orders of chivalry which were successively instituted, such as the Knights of the Star, the Genet, the Golden Fleece, Saint-Esprit, St. John of Jerusalem, &

Four different sorts of figs, in equal estimation, were brought from Marseilles, Nismes, Saint-Andéol, and Pont Saint-Esprit; and in Provence, filberts were to be had in such profusion that they supplied from there all the tables of the kingdom.

He has opposed the spirit of the age, and not consulted the esprit de corps.

"The French have understanding and esprit, but neither a solid basis nor piety.

"Many are full of esprit and knowledge, but they are also full of vanity; and that they may shine as wits before the short-sighted multitude, they have no shame or delicacynothing is sacred to them.

The inscription on the top (a happy inspiration of the husband of Mademoiselle Varicourt), contains these simple words: 'Mon coeur est ici; et mon esprit est partout.'

I recall him as a sensitive, poetical boy,almost girlish in his delicacy of temperament,and showing the fine esprit which has made him one of the first of our humorists.

French etiquette and fashions came in, and French phrases of conveniencesuch as coup de grace, bel esprit, etc.began to appear in English prose.

I am sure he admires her very much, and I only wish she would be as pleased with him as I am, but she always provokes me by saying he has not sufficient esprit; nor is he quite handsome enough to please her; and yet she never refuses his attentions or shrinks from his conversation, as, if I disliked him (as when we are alone she appears to do), I know I should.

oui ... j'ai de l'ascendant sur son esprit, il ne me résistera pas.... MONTRICHARD.

It has been said by certain of his contemporaries that in all the characters of his comedies he has but embodied himself, that they all have "the imprint of the style précieux, for which he has been reproached with so much reason in his novels and in his comedies," and that all,"masters, valets, courtiers, peasants, lovers, mistresses, old men, and young men have the esprit of Marivaux."

In the Esprit de Marivaux. Paris, Gogué et Née de la Rochelle, 1782.

quel esprit borné!

Tranquillisez-vous; vous ne dépendez point de ceux qui vous en veulent; ils ne vous ont encore fait aucun tort dans mon esprit, et tous leurs petits complots n'aboutiront à rien: je suis la maîtresse.

265 examples of  esprit  in sentences