36 examples of esquiline in sentences

A little beyond the fora to the east was the Carinae, a fashionable quarter of beautiful shops and houses, and still farther off were the Baths of Titus, extending from the Carinae to the Esquiline Mount.

Esquiline, v. Essex, Earle of, i. Esthambruges, ii. Estrild, Ladie, ii. Etheldred, ii.

Port Esquiline, ii.

[Footnote 18: At this time a grove: later it became one of the artificers' quarters, lying beyond the forum and in the jaws of the suburra, which stretched away over the level ground to the foot of the Esquiline and Quirinal Hills.

Accordingly, in order to draw out the pillagers, he ordered a large body of his men to drive out their cattle the next day by the Esquiline gate, which was farthest from the enemy, thinking that they would get intelligence of it, because during the blockade and scarcity of provisions some of the slaves would turn traitors and desert.

Upon this the commons, uncertain what sort of consuls they were likely to have, held nightly meetings, some of them upon the Esquiline, and others upon the Aventine, lest, when assembled in the forum, they should be thrown into confusion by being obliged to adopt hasty resolutions, and proceed inconsiderately and at hap-hazard.

As it was, the republic was divided and split into a thousand senate-houses and assemblies, some meetings being held on the Esquiline, others on the Aventine.

On the west slope of the Esquiline.

Having united their forces, they first utterly laid waste the Latin territory: when none met them to avenge the wrong, then indeed, to the great exultation of the advisers of the war, they approached the very walls of Rome, carrying their depredations into the district around the Esquiline gate pointing out to the city in mocking insult the devastation of the land.

When the Esquiline was almost taken by the enemy, no one defended it, and when the Volscian foe was scaling the rampart, no one drove him off: it is against us you behave like men, against us you are armed.

"Come, when you have blockaded the senate-house here, and have made the forum the seat of war, and filled the prison with the leading men of the state, march forth through the Esquiline gate, with that same determined spirit; or, if you do not even venture thus far, behold from your walls your lands laid waste with fire and sword, booty driven off, houses set on fire in every direction and smoking.

It lay, roughly speaking, from the Forum eastward along the valley between Esquiline and Viminial Hills.

Marius and Sulpicius met them on the Esquiline and, pouring down tiles from the housetops, at first beat them back.

But Sulla, waving a burning torch, bade his men shoot fiery arrows at the houses, and drove the Marians from the Esquiline Forum.

Siro's villa apparently proved attractive to Vergil, for he made Naples his permanent home, despite the gift of a house on the Esquiline from Maecenas.

The poet was given a house in Maecenas' gardens on the Esquiline with the hope of enticing him to Rome.

Maecenas desired to keep the poet at Rome, and as an inducement provided him with a villa in his own gardens on the Esquiline.

Ergastula Esquiline hill Etruscans, the Evander Exedra Fabius, arch of Fabri ferrarii Fabulae Atellanae; palliatae; togatae Familiae urbanae Fate Fercula Feriae Festa Figuli Figulus, Nigidius Flaccus, Verrius Flamen Dialis; Quirinalis Flaminius Flammeum Florales, Ludi.

[Footnote 26: Strictly speaking, the Oppius Mons, or southern part of the Esquiline.]

In front, ruin upon ruin lined the way for half a mile, where the Coliseum towered grandly through the blue morning mist, at the base of the Esquiline Hill!

There was much discussion at first as to whether the improvements should be undertaken in the parts where they now are or in the valley of the Tiber, for the uncovered lands of the Esquiline and of the Quirinal were malarious, and, as nearly everybody then thought that the malaria of Rome was carried into the city from the coast marshes, it was supposed that this state of things was irremediable.

We opposed to this view the fact of the salubrity of the Viminal, which is situated between the Esquiline and the Quirinal, and which ought to be as unhealthy as the two other hills were the malaria of the latter imported into the city instead of being indigenous.

The same vision having appeared to his wife and the reigning pope, Liberius, they repaired in procession the next morning to the summit of Mount Esquiline, where, notwithstanding the heat of the weather, a large patch of ground was miraculously covered with snow, and on it Liberius traced out with his crosier the plan of the church.

The picture represents the patrician John and his wife asleep, and the Vision of the Virgin (one of the loveliest ever painted by Murillo) breaking upon them in splendour through the darkness of the night; while in the dim distance is seen the Esquiline (or what is meant for it) covered with snow.

CITY OF THE SEVEN HILLS, Rome, as built on seven hillsviz., the Aventine, Coelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal.

36 examples of  esquiline  in sentences