2 examples of esu in sentences

Zingis was the first king of the Tartars; the second was Khen-khan, the third Bathyn-khan, the fourth Esu-khan, the fifth Mangu-khan, the sixth Kublai-khan, whose power is greater than that of all his predecessors, as, besides having inherited all their acquisitions, he has added almost the whole world to his empire, during a long and prosperous reign of sixty years.

" Our Italians and Spaniards do make a whole dinner of herbs and salads (which our said Plautus calls coenas terrestras, Horace, coenas sine sanguine), by which means, as he follows it, "Hic homines tam brevem vitam colunt Qui herbas hujusmodi in alvum suum congerunt, Formidolosum dictu, non esu modo, Quas herbas pecudes non edunt, homines edunt.

2 examples of  esu  in sentences