161 examples of eu in sentences

And there in secret to bereaue her quite Eu.

Who were most cruell, those that did obay Or he who gaue commandment for the fact? Eu.

Eu. Phylander, is it true or doth he iest? Phy.

Eu. Respect my teares.

Eu. Mine innocency.


Eu. Litle thought I, when out of doore I went, That thus my life should stand on argument.

Eu. Trust me, I saw not any; so farewell.

Eu. I pray, sir, where? Ap.

Eu. Now truly, sir, you offer me great wrong To hold me from my busines here so long.

Eu. I pray, sir, hartily giue me leaue to goe.


Eu. Faire youthes, you have forgot for what ye came: You seeke your Love, shee's gone. Ge.


The time hath bene my words thou would'st allow And am I growne so loathsome to thee now? Eu.

And is thy fancie alterd with thy guise? Eu.

Eu. I am. Asca.

And wast thou not a woman then? Eu.

And art thou changed from a woman now? Eu. Too true.

Thou art Eurymine? Eu.

What then? Eu.

Before thy flight thou wast a woman tho? Eu.

And since thou art a man? Eu. Too true, deare friend.

"Jamais les Anglais n'ont eu tant de supériorité sur mer; mais ils en eurent sur les Français dans tous les temps.

The chief advantage of this treaty accrued to William, who obtained possession of the territory of Eu, the towns of Aumale, Fescamp, and other places; but in return, he promised that he would assist his brother in subduing Maine, which had rebelled; and that the Norman barons, attainted in Robert's cause, should be restored to their estates in England.

161 examples of  eu  in sentences