13 examples of euphemistically in sentences

He euphemistically stated that "a few villages have been destroyed.

The country was fast drifting into anarchy; agrarian risings, indiscriminate bomb-throwing, pogroms, highway robberies carried out in the name of the "social revolution" and euphemistically entitled expropriation, outbreaks of a horrible kind of blood-lust which delighted in motiveless murder for the sake of murder, were the order of the day.

Emulators of Mars, as Ben-Zayb called them, they were not satisfied with this music; thinking themselves perhaps at a bullfight, they made remarks at the ladies who passed before them in words that are euphemistically called flowers in Madrid, although at times they seem more like foul weeds.

[Footnote 1: All this is very euphemistically expressed in the Sophoclean verse: (Greek: charis charin gar estin ha tiktous aei)]

Their monetary hold on governments is tending to perpetuate in leading Jews a spirit of universal alienism (euphemistically called cosmopolitanism), even where the West has given them a full share in civil and political rights.

They could not say much by way of complaint, for they had foreseen, from the beginning of the Duke's intimacy with Eleanora, that an "accident," as they euphemistically called it, was to be expected.

With the surety of long practice Sylvia instantly diagnosed them as a college couple indulging in what was known euphemistically as "campus work," and prepared to pass them with the slight effect of scorn for philanderings which she always managed to throw into her high-held head and squarely swinging shoulders.

Cellini's autobiography yields sufficient proof that such fears were not unjustified by practical experience; and Bramante, though he preferred to work by treachery of tongue, may have commanded the services of assassins, uomini arditi e facinorosi, as they were somewhat euphemistically called.

As for the Kols, what Dalton says about the Mundas (194) not only indicates that parental interference is more than "ostensible," but makes clear that what these girls enjoy is not free choice but what is euphemistically called "free love," before marriage: "Among Mundas having any pretensions to respectability the young people are not allowed to arrange these affairs

What really makes women workers afraid of their independent sisters is that extremely pernicious system of payment euphemistically known as "pocket-money."

When first I used to pass this window the woman was called Naomi Bricknell; later it was Sarah Ann Polgrain; and now it is (euphemistically)

Thirdly, these same tumblers were filled to the brim with inferior but exhilarating champagnepurchased, as they euphemistically put it in the Supply Column, "locally."

The majority of the besieged boughtor otherwise acquired loot; he never spent a penny on it, and never entered what the looters euphemistically liked to call "deserted houses.

13 examples of  euphemistically  in sentences